for all impatient, if nothing momeno use this: fullbot or noob bot that will go well so far, but nothing like our honorbuddy
I d?nke mol, me s?t de Vollpfoschte in a Schaft gspliesse, de schl?ssu abw?rge u de de Schaft anes Ragetli bende... kors w?rdi meine w?ri d'Sonne... vellecht got em denn es Liechtli uf.... ( Swiss-German ) By the way, for the HB Team and the supporters of them: Thank you for your excelent work and i hope to get back soon the HB... not as good as self-playing, but best Bot i ever had.
Swizzie, As any botter with experience knows, good bots will always go down with a big patch or content update. It is part of the process. There is nothing that can be done about it. Essentially the bot is having to be remade from scratch.
wow guys With all the new changes that this patch brought fourth I assumed HB was going down i mean if you have a high school education you should know that was gunna happen for these changes. If the changes weren't so big it wouldn't have but a lot of the shit it used to go off isn't there so it's impossible to act right think people
I guess common sense really trumps all look at my join date and amount of posting.. OMG IMANOOB... too bad im not dumb tho
In laymen terms, blizzard changed the language that wow speaks. HB is having to be rewritten to speak the same language. And it isn't an easy task when you don't know what the new language is. So please be patient, people are working as hard as they can to get your bot back to you.
The best bots i have used is this and pirox with Ppather (RIP) and they went down every patch not for THIS long but they went down in order to secure warden updates etc.
i was thinking ''nice when i come home in a few minutes i can start the bot'' but eey ! it's not workin aaand it's friday ooohm ... LATE friday
Did you see that as a personal attack because it wasn't. Just ease back on those reigns there a bit pappy. I see your trying to help but you making "updates" and reprimanding people just kinda looks kinky and really just confuses people more. The devs will update accordingly. I'm not your enemy, just telling you as I see it. We are all anxious to ge the bot back and the last thing we need here is someone trying to "white knight" this thread.
i don't agree....hb is an excellent bot, but i think developpers are not so excellent, when you have a deadline you have to respect this deadline...see all people waiting ya think it's excellent ?
lol this is the best bot u call pirox best i was there lifetime to it sucked i used glider and hb pirox aio as far for features and evrything and protection is HB on top now and no other bot on market can do what HB does like arena with lazyraider and even swifty said it in video on youtube their bots that heal more then a human so think about that what he ment by it
u d's beschte dra esch, das da fasch k?ne versteit... osser nat?rli, er seg o ir zivilisierte w?ut derhei