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  • [Plugin] Giles Trinity

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by GilesSmith, Sep 5, 2012.

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    1. Buzzalot

      Buzzalot Member

      Feb 17, 2012
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      Ok 1.2.2 WD Issues I have noticed.
      -Grunts still being killed before summoners / elites
      -Acid Cloud is now spammed til oom - less spam please
      -Grasp of the Dead not really being used due to Acid Cloud spam
      -Potions not being used correctly and sometimes not at all
      -Azmodan Fireball avoidance seems to barely work and most of the time he walks into the Fireball instead of running away.

      Again thanks for the great work, time, and dedication to the projects Giles. Also I will test Barb and Monk here soon and give feedback.
      Last edited: Sep 7, 2012
    2. Bloody Def

      Bloody Def New Member

      Sep 6, 2012
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      LF some way to prioritize treasure goblins over anything. It's really painfull to see when treasure goblins are set prioritized and it would still go for some other mob(even if it's only 1 mob around).
    3. imakii

      imakii New Member

      Jul 11, 2012
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      Currently experimenting with WD and bears only use when large mobs around (still not spammable though)
      gonna take a look at giles file when i get home,

      Edit: I have a good working WD build atm to compensate for lackluster skills inside trinity for WD =p
    4. GilesSmith

      GilesSmith New Member

      Jun 2, 2012
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      v1.3 uploaded:
      -- Hugely improved avoidance routine. You should actually find avoidance a genuine help now.
      -- Re-done potion routine - should now use potions reliably.
      -- Better (more reliable) use of buffs/certain powers during avoidance.
      -- New advanced tab setting to log stuck positions detected - more useful to help routine/profile makers find potential stuck points.

      Last edited: Sep 7, 2012
    5. packetloss

      packetloss New Member

      Jul 29, 2012
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      Not sure if one of my settings is off but with 1.2.2 avoidance doesn't seem to be working quite right. Caught my bot about to die pretty much just standing in desecrator at very low health. I had checked the log and he had died 2 other times. I didn't have any deaths with 1.1 with over 10-15 runs.
    6. Narko

      Narko New Member

      Aug 22, 2012
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      Oh my.. I just closed DB and was going to bed..
      Testing 1.3 in 5 minutes :p

      EDIT : Hahaha, that Fallen Prophet didnt see it coming :p
      Last edited: Sep 7, 2012
    7. lazygun247

      lazygun247 New Member

      Aug 12, 2012
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      Hey Giles,
      Great work with the plugin. I recently just updated from your previous individual ones to the trinity. I was wondering, is there any plans to include an option that allows you to use your own custom loot rules but yet use your scoring system?
      The old plugin allowed for that but the new one, when I use my own custom loot rules, it doesn't use your scoring system.

      Is it because I need to leave the "Keep" and "Salvage" section empty?

      Thanks in advance!
    8. warbux

      warbux New Member

      Aug 10, 2012
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      Giles. This is very cool thank you for all the hard work. Quick question by enabling ticks per second and cranking it up to 15 (where I have it currently) besides adding 5% CPU load what else does it do, you said it will dumb the bot down is this like memory reads per second or something?
    9. fuimusbruce

      fuimusbruce New Member

      Aug 2, 2012
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      giles for some reason sweeping wind isnt being used at all on monk.
    10. Bloody Def

      Bloody Def New Member

      Sep 6, 2012
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      So can anyone respond me about making treasure goblins really prioritirized and about why the char would whirlwind away from mobs and not into mobs? And it still would rather go for grunts than shamans.
      Last edited: Sep 7, 2012
    11. GilesSmith

      GilesSmith New Member

      Jun 2, 2012
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      10 is the default. Lower than 10 will dumb the bot down and help reduce CPU load, for people who are struggling with their CPU usage. Above 10 will, in theory, speed the bot attacks up and decision making up, but be warned that this may have unintended side-effects (along with increasing CPU usage!), so use at your own risk - it's in the advanced tab not the main settings for a good reason!

      Mine is using it fine. If you've changed your skills recently be sure to restart the bot, as it caches your skills for short periods of time. It uses sweeping winds in specific, intelligent circumstances to maximize the damage - eg it will detect if you have blinding flash on your hotbar, and if so will wait until you have just cast blinding flash before activating sweeping winds. It can also check for the presence of mantras, and the amount/type of targets in range, along with your current percent of max spirit. This is all designed to ensure sweeping winds is activated when your DPS should be at the highest - since sweeping winds damage is "locked" onto your DPS at the point of it's activation. Try running your bot for a while, and see if you see it blinding flash then sweeping winds immediately afterwards when surrounded/when facing elites. If you have spammable monk skills that consume lots of spirit, and are constantly low on spirit, this may be an issue - and you should consider tweaking your build.

      Perhaps, but I imagine you are one of the rare few people that want a combination of my stash/score system and custom rules. Generally people EITHER want the stash replacer to do everything, *OR* they want to control everything and just enjoy the fact that the stash replacer is handling items in a safer, more intelligence, and less-bug-prone manner for their loot-rules. It'd be a little bit of work and atm other things are on my priority list!

      I've reduced acid cloud down the priority list in 1.3 - this should help I hope. Avoidance and potion use should be much, much better in 1.3, so give it a try.

      I'm sure somebody can respond :) Find this code;
                                      // Deal with treasure goblins
                                      if (thisgilesobject.bThisTreasureGoblin)
                                          if (settings.iTreasureGoblinPriority == 0)
                                              thisgilesobject.dThisWeight = 0;
                                          else if (settings.iTreasureGoblinPriority == 1)
                                              thisgilesobject.dThisWeight += 751;
                                          else if (settings.iTreasureGoblinPriority == 2)
                                              thisgilesobject.dThisWeight += 7501;
                                      // Force a close range target because we seem to be stuck
                                      if (bForceCloseRangeTarget)
                                          thisgilesobject.dThisWeight = 25000 - (iFlatDistance * 200);
      Replace with this;
                                      // Force a close range target because we seem to be stuck
                                      if (bForceCloseRangeTarget)
                                          thisgilesobject.dThisWeight = 25000 - (iFlatDistance * 200);
                                      // Deal with treasure goblins
                                      if (thisgilesobject.bThisTreasureGoblin)
                                          if (settings.iTreasureGoblinPriority == 0)
                                              thisgilesobject.dThisWeight = 0;
                                          else if (settings.iTreasureGoblinPriority == 1)
                                              thisgilesobject.dThisWeight += 751;
                                          else if (settings.iTreasureGoblinPriority == 2)
                                              thisgilesobject.dThisWeight += 15001;
      Use at your own risk. This may cause your character to get "stuck" body-blocked by mobs but will continue to ignore them and continue trying to chase the treasure goblin until it is out of range, in certain circumstances. It may also cause you to prioritize the goblin over dropped loot - and if you chase the goblin a very long way, the bot may not go back to the previously dropped loot depending on the routine's next waypoint. Blindly attacking goblins without *ANY* thought process at all might sound like a great idea - but it has it's downsides :)

      And now, I think, a well deserved good night's sleep :p
      Last edited: Sep 7, 2012
    12. Bloody Def

      Bloody Def New Member

      Sep 6, 2012
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      So let me get this straight sir. It isn't possible to code it somehow when it's chasing the treasure goblin and gets body blocked by mobs so he can kill the closest blocking mob and keep chasing the goblin?
    13. GilesSmith

      GilesSmith New Member

      Jun 2, 2012
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      That's what it currently does. But you wanted even higher priority. So the code I gave you will alter this behavior. You can simply increase the priority of goblins in that same bit of code from 7501 to some higher figure of your choosing, and leave the body-blocking code after goblins as it currently is. I've tried very, very hard to make the code as easily understandable as possible, with comments explaining what each bits does, and have already pointed the exact section of code out to you. I can only hold people's hands so much for their specific custom requests. You're on your own from there.
    14. Epicknight

      Epicknight New Member

      Dec 17, 2011
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      I'm loving v1.3! Keep up the good work.
    15. Bloody Def

      Bloody Def New Member

      Sep 6, 2012
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      I appreciate. Thank you.
    16. Narko

      Narko New Member

      Aug 22, 2012
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      For what I see :
      - Prophets are correctly aimed at 90% (I have seen one resurrecting a bit too far from my barb maybe) -> Haha, they can't smile anymore.
      - Something is wrong with Arcane avoidance (went two times from Ice cluster to Arcane, and another fight it looks like it was ignoring them, even setted up to avoid at 100% health)
      - Rend is ok, still not perfect with range when engaging, when surrounded, and not all the time on main target. Anyway, I'm not a rend addict, and it works good all considered.
      - Global avoidance looks smoother as if it can't avoid it will fight, or something like this, really good.
      - Pots are back, even if a barb only drinks beer and doesn't need pots ^^

      For now, it works very well, still some issues with avoidance when the guy is blocked near a wall, but, yep that must be complicated.
      Oh yeah another thing, avoiding shaman fireballs makes him forget a bit to target them while fighting sthing else at close combat. It seems so, not sure about that.
      Another word on arcane : For a barb, it's enough, it won t dodge everything, but who cares, for a less resistant class I guess the initial position shouldn t let him be so involved into them, idk. The real deal is when they have another aoe, he will, as said before, sometimes dodge the first by going into that arcane, and, if he went in the center spot of an arcane while not moving anymore, cause of walls or fighting, it's sure death.

      Anyway, so far, this version works great for me, Very good job !!
    17. Fantas

      Fantas New Member

      Mar 29, 2012
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      Hi i'm new and i love your plugin! awesome work bro.

      testing your new 1.3 but there is still a problem: he dont do anything on arcan. is there a chance that he press leap when arcan is coming?

      good work, keep it up bro
    18. jaymovez

      jaymovez New Member

      Jul 28, 2012
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      Great job Giles, exactly the update I've been waiting for. Custom avoidance is really helpful.

      Will definitely donate for your hard work.
      I'd like to encourage others to do the same. The man should not work so hard for free. Share a little of your sales profits :)
    19. Epicknight

      Epicknight New Member

      Dec 17, 2011
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      Is it just me or do avoid percentages use the default % even when it is changed? I changed Desecrator to 100% and it still seems to only be moving at 85%, even though they config says 100%.
    20. Rumpel_wx

      Rumpel_wx New Member

      Jul 27, 2012
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      Was looking through your code and think I spotted a bug?

      The third test here should be for intelligence not dex right? from line 7361 in v1.3.

                              double iSpecialBonus = 0;
                              // All resist gets a special bonus if paired with good strength and some vitality
                              if ((iHadStat[STRENGTH] / iThisItemsMaxStats[STRENGTH]) > 0.5 && (iHadStat[VITALITY] / iThisItemsMaxStats[VITALITY]) > 0.3)
                                  if (0.45 > iSpecialBonus) iSpecialBonus = 0.45;
                              // All resist gets a smaller special bonus if paired with good dexterity and some vitality
                              if ((iHadStat[DEXTERITY] / iThisItemsMaxStats[DEXTERITY]) > 0.5 && (iHadStat[VITALITY] / iThisItemsMaxStats[VITALITY]) > 0.3)
                                  if (0.45 > iSpecialBonus) iSpecialBonus = 0.45;
                              // All resist gets a slight special bonus if paired with good intelligence and some vitality
                              if ((iHadStat[DEXTERITY] / iThisItemsMaxStats[DEXTERITY]) > 0.5 && (iHadStat[VITALITY] / iThisItemsMaxStats[VITALITY]) > 0.3)
                                  if (0.25 > iSpecialBonus) iSpecialBonus = 0.25;
      btw love your stuff, keep it up!!
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