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  • Pretty Huge Problem in AV (walks back and fourth)

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by kalbir1335, Jun 10, 2010.

    1. kalbir1335

      kalbir1335 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Hey forums,

      Just going out on a limb here to see if anyone can help me with a problem Ive been having for about 2 weeks now:

      The bot works fine when grinding. But once it gets into AV the retard gene kicks it. It jumps over hotspots and falls down hills, and then turns round and trys to walk vertically back UP the hill...

      Even worse, often it will get stuck in some infinite loop where it goes to one point, and then turns around and heads back an (ingame) metre or so, and then tries to do it again.

      Now, every time this has happened ive had to stop the bot, move it outta that position and start it back up to get it working. But really, not good for BOT, its supposed to be rather effortless isnt it? I was willing to wait till a new version of HB2 came out which may fix the problem, but I wasnt feeling that well today and dozed off, and woke up to find a ton of people saying "lol" at the bot's stupid movements....

      Anyway, ive tried solutions from deleting my WoW Cache folder to using a different CC to using a different AV profile... didnt help.

      Ive tried attaching the logs, but theyre over 1MB so the forums wont let me upload em, so Ive uploaded em to Mediafire, id be grateful for any help!

      PS: Seeing as I may have been reported by a fair few people, what would be the best course of action for the next week to avoid a ban? I was considering just playing my 80s and maybe hand-levelling? (EU btw)

      Logs from today: http://www.mediafire.com/?emkyniyzcyd
    2. jarheaded

      jarheaded New Member

      Feb 22, 2010
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      your not alone man

      nothing you can do... but wait it out

      its the nav system overriding targeting.. in a nut shell (targeting)

      mine goes in the top of a rez point and grinds the harpes in AV while the bg is going on giving me exp and bg exp found it weird tho

      its really noticeable in noob bg's more soo then av

      i wouldnt worry about a ban less they all message you like "wtf are you doing man"
    3. kalbir1335

      kalbir1335 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Alright cheers for the reply, bit of a kick in the face that I cant use Honorbuddy to get, ya know, honor. But I spose good things come to those who wait eh? :p
    4. Lt.Leon

      Lt.Leon New Member

      May 19, 2010
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      I have this problem as well, (the walking back and forth repeatably) and it is very nerve racking.

      Any way the devs can look into this?

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