Sholazar Basin Herbalism and Mining Profile by Synik.Made for use with HB2. Download removed due to several issues with bot the profile and HB2, will re-release asap! What does it do? This profile allows you to Herb and Mine within the Sholazar Basin area. Also, because this is a HB2 profile, it will allow players to make use of the mixed modes for running battlegrounds at the same time. What requirements are needed? My advice is be level80 and have max herbalism and mining in order to optimise the profile and ensure you do not ever miss any nodes. Does it use vendors and mail boxes? Yes, there is a neutral repair vendor and mailbox allowing you to repair then mail away all your gathered resources. Within the profile is also a forced mail list to make sure everything that needs to be mail is. How should I set up HB2? Enable harvest herbs, mines or both. Enable use mount and provide a land mount name or id to use in the relevant field. Disable Loot Mobs (you can enable but it is slower). If you intend to mail make sure you add a recipient.
Reserving this post to make a report on gathered resources after an hour. TEST POSTPONED DUE A HB2 ISSUE.
looks great right up to the... part where you name your " Land" mount... yea, i know hb2 does not support flying.. but I thought they wrote in somewhere it was going to. HB will be the ultimate gatheringbot when ever the plugin is released so you can fly and fight with something other than macro commands put into various slots.
HB will indeed see a GB plugin at some point in the future, how far in the future we don't know. Until then this allows people to gather and do battlegrounds at the same time strictly on land mount. Also, as a future heads up, this profile will not work with flying mounts unless I go ahead and adjust the heights.
Yep indeed i would be happy when the profile gets back up seems a real good 1 hope u get the job done well at least the best off luck. I would offer my help but im kinda noob when it comes to HB just started using it for a week now but still if i can help let me know m8 Greetz Dennis