Hey, my bot dosnt loot or skin my dead mobbs. I do have thouse actions on within settings and tools. But it still wont loot or skin. Help please
Think i got it. I rebotet HB and startd the bot and did not move my mouse in game. Now it loot and skinn everything x)
Same here, when grinding last night with a cloth gathering profile I noticed it looted the first mob or 2 then just randomly looted like 1 in 5.
Already a couple of threads on this bug; not-looting-more-than-50-mobs-hb-test-version-2 grid-bot-looting-bug-skinning-bug Using the plugin eLootFixer, seems to help SLIGHTLY - but sadly not even close to doing 100% of the loots. And for some reason this doesnt seem like an important "bug", yet it somehow destroys the whole point of the grind bot - then again im just a humble HB user
I got the same problems with other things. Is there any permanent fix? I'm directing that question towards Mods, and Devs, thanks guys.