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  • ShamWOW for HB - All Shaman Specs for Solo+Dungeons+Raids+PVP by Bobby53

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bobby53, Sep 13, 2012.

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    1. zim79

      zim79 New Member

      May 2, 2010
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      Thanks for the update bobby. I use the CC as resto with lazyraider in instances, but it never puts earth shield on the tank, is there some kind of setting I am missing, or isnt earth shield enabled on this CC?
    2. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      Bobby --

      Just ran Halls of Origination (Regular) with my shaman to see how it did after some reforging. I found that a few things were coming up. First, I noticed that ShamWoW isn't casting Earth Shield on the tank anymore. I know that's been reported several times to you already, so I'm just making a note of it. Second, I found that the CC stops healing on occasion. A few of the group members almost died on a couple of occasions because the CC stopped healing. I had to manually cast a couple of heals before it kicked in again. Third, I noticed that either ShamWoW or LazyRaider, or the combination of both of them together, caused WoW/HB to crash once, and hiccup a couple of times. Fourth, since I'm not completely familiar with shaman anymore after the patch, does ShamWoW not use totems at all? I noticed that the totem selection in the config was removed, and I'm thinking that because totems were redesigned, that totems are no longer used by shaman, is that correct?

      I've attached two logs. One is from the crash, and one is from the hiccups. HB is in the diagnostic debug setting for both of them.

      Attached Files:

    3. jggaall99

      jggaall99 New Member

      Sep 16, 2011
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      Bobby i download the cc and follow the instructions but its not shwowing up in my log am i doing something wrong here ??
    4. zim79

      zim79 New Member

      May 2, 2010
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      It seems like if you set the tank manually in Lazyraider it just spams Earth Shield over and over again, and if you dont set the tank it never uses Earth Shield.
    5. tonppa3d

      tonppa3d New Member

      May 6, 2012
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      I'm having some problems with shamwow. I ran LFR the siege of wrymrest temple and It's not casting flame shock, not refreshing searing totem when it expires and not using feral spirit at all (not even on bosses). Cause of problems could be on my end, but it's good to have a look.

      Edit:Looks like it's not casting shamanistic rage either

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      Last edited: Sep 15, 2012
    6. Aetheric

      Aetheric Member

      Jul 25, 2012
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      Totems are still absolutely necessary to aid you in your dps output, healing and mana management. The difference since the new patch is that you don't have the standard "set of 4" any more and that totems are more to be used as a quick aid than anything else.

      If ShamWoW doesn't use totems, then it's either an omission or a bug.

      Either way, it's wrong.
    7. DrDoctor

      DrDoctor New Member

      Dec 15, 2011
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      Fucking love your work Bobby! i said it beefore but i really do. You put a lot of time into this project, no shortcuts, thought about almost everything. If i could i would make sucha ccs myself and i hope ppl learn from this CC and trye making ccs like this for other classes, because this is a CC that i would easy pay for!

      Sorry for my lack of english :cool:
      bobby53 likes this.
    8. chocodhie

      chocodhie New Member

      Dec 29, 2011
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    9. chickenl

      chickenl New Member

      Jan 2, 2011
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      Thankyou bobby i have been so lost with out your plugin
      bobby53 likes this.
    10. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      To All: Thank you for the encouraging words! Keep in mind there is still a lot to do. Now that I can approach testing more fully as HonorBuddy progresses there are clearly still some bugs and features not implemented in ShamWOW. Additionally, there are still bugs in HonorBuddy (for example, its IsInRaid API is returning true when you are only in a party, which blocks use of Party specific healing configuration and logic. Look for some incremental releases in the coming weeks to address issues as I can get to them. Thanks for the posts and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    11. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thank you for the posts, but unfortunately there isn't enough detail provided in your post for me to assist you. Please see the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] post for steps on how to attach a complete debug log file and what other information to provide. Thanks again for the posts and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    12. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      That is due to a combination of a bug in ShamWOW and a change in HB. Fixed in next release

      It does check for aura, so either the current aura issue in HB or the current GCD issue in HB is causing. Not enough info provided for me to tell. I need the complete debug log file. See the FAQ for details.

      I haven't seen this in my testing and there isn't enough info provided. I would need a complete debug log file as well as the exact hh:mm:ss on your local computer that you noticed this or the LogMark you set (see the FAQ for details) to look into this.

      I appreciate your very thorough post; you definitely went to a lot of trouble preparing it. Unfortunately there wasn't enough info included. Rather than pasting individual sections of the log that appear relevant, I need the complete log attached to the post and in many cases a very specific reference point in the form of a LogMark or the hh:mm:ss on your local computer at the time a specific problem occurred.

      Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    13. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      swordfish, Thanks for the post. Unfortunately the attached log file was created with the HonorBuddy Log Level set to Normal. That mode suppresses all the details needed for me to assist you. Please see FAQ #20 in the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] for steps on how to change that setting. My apologies for this extra step, but it is due to a change in HonorBuddy which is something I have no control over. Thanks for the post and the log file, Bobby53
    14. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      zeldrak, Thank you for the log files and for having your Log Level set, tremendous help!

      Totems not used: Totems are used by the ShamWOW. The key difference in MoP is that you no longer need to cast totems to bring your buffs to yourself or the group. Since the purpose of the totem bars in the WOW client was to set the default set of buffs you want the totem bar was removed from WOW. Since there are no longer a totem bar in WOW, there is no longer a need to have the configuration in ShamWOW to set them up so they were removed. Yes, ShamWOW does still does cast totems but as I mentioned in my post about what to expect from ShamWOW for support of MoP, the initial release was going to consist primarily of getting your Shaman to work and less about adding new MoP related features. For example, currently Searing Totem, Mana Tide Totem, Fire Elemental, etc. should be cast as they were previously. However there isn't support for Healing Stream (redesigned in MoP) or Healing Tide (new in MoP) in your current release due to what I mentioned before.
      WOW / HB crashing: it appears that HB was having trouble in managing an LUA call with WOW. I'll pass this along to the HB Dev team.

      ShamWOW stopped healing: two things on this. Normally, I need the specific moment this occurred either as a HH:MM:SS time you provide from your local computer time -OR- install and use LogMark to mark a spot in the log where an issue of importance occurred. I can't look into this issue without either since there isn't a point of reference in the log for where it occurred. However, you are in luck because this just occurred to me. The reason is there is currently a bug in HB where it indicates you are in a Raid when you are actually in a Party. The result is that ShamWOW was told you are in a raid, so it used your Group Healing setup for Raids. I'll have a fix in the next release that will treat raids of 5 or fewer people as a Party which will allow it work until HB is fixed.To confirm this, the log file you attached has the following line:

      Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
      Last edited: Sep 15, 2012
    15. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      tonppa3d, Thanks for the post and debug log file! Greatly appreciate the info. Unfortunately for the types of issue you described, it is essential that I know the specific time that you think something should have occurred (like a Flame Shock, Searing Totem refresh, etc.) that did not happen. The log file only contains details about decisions that ShamWOW did detect but not so much about those that it did not (like the need for a Flame Shock.) I did look over the log file section covering the Well of Eternity and it appears to have been casting each of those spells except when a unit was targeted that was out of range or not in line of sight. I would like to help, but just need that additional bit of info as to when it occurred to be able to help. The easiest way to do that is install the LOGMARK Plugin (see my signature) and use that to place a mark in the log file that you can reference in your post. A lot easier way to identify a point that something occurred than having to look have a clock on your computer showing HH:MM:SS visible (yes, seconds are critical) and then save that mentally or on a note to add back to a post when you are done later. Thanks again for taking the time to post and best of luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    16. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      chocodhie, Thank you for the post and the debug log file. Unfortunately there isn't enough detail in the description that I know what to look for in the log file. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    17. jggaall99

      jggaall99 New Member

      Sep 16, 2011
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      bobby there was no log to show as honor buddy didn't start up so i will explain it more in detail. I downloaded your cc on my desk top, once i did that i extract the cc on my desk top. after it was extract it create the folder call routines, when i click on the routine folder i see two folder one called shamwow and another called settings. I take the sha,wow folder and place it in the honorbuddy routines folder and erase the honorbuddy setting folder and place your setting folder in the honorbuddy folder. when i start honorbuddy up and go to select your cc it's not showing up at all. i hope this explain it more cearly.
    18. tonppa3d

      tonppa3d New Member

      May 6, 2012
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      Can't download logmark because it's in archives. I will do some target dummy testing and try reporting with better log.
    19. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thanks for letting me know. I checked the other day and it wasn't, but apparently they went back through and mass archived some stuff. I'll get it updated -Bobby53
      Last edited: Sep 15, 2012
    20. tonppa3d

      tonppa3d New Member

      May 6, 2012
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      Just came back from LFR and wasn't casting flame shock, shamanistic rage or feral spirit (the one on the log is manually cast by me), but this time it was actually refreshing searing totem. Otherwise rotation seems to be working wonderfully.

      Fight with ultraxion starts 18:25:18 and ends in 18:29:44.

      Edit: Did some questing and everything was working perfectly. Joined random heroic and same problems occurred again. For some reason instance/grouping is causing these problems (i think)

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      Last edited: Sep 15, 2012
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