I've been trying to get grind bot working so I can use it for some tedious rep grinds, but when I try to I just stand there and cast ice barrier on myself. I'm an arcane mage and I've tried this with multiple profiles and I always get the same result. It won't kill anything. It just targets an enemy, stands there, and keeps ice barrier up on itself. What can I do to get this working? I have already tried removing and re-downloading Honorbuddy, but had no success. Attached are two of the logs from times where I attempted to use grind bot after re-downloading the bot.
Here's another log that might be less confusing. In this one, I started the bot and then after about 3 minutes, an ogre walked into me and aggro'd. When this happen, the bot killed it and the ogres around it, but it did not loot any of them and shortly after went back to just standing in place and casting Ice Barrier. After standing in place for a while, I stopped the bot. Ice barrier isn't a CC btw and I'm don't know how to set which CC I'm using. I don't think I need one, I'd be happy if it just ran around casting arcane explosion and looting everything.