I've been having some problem logging in with honor buddy. First, my honor buddy wouldn't attach to the copy of WoW and now it's saying that my authentication has failed.
Last line reads: "There are 64 bit WoW processes running, did you start from the WoW launcher? If so, please start Wow.exe manually to use the 32 bit game version" ^^Do that, start WoW in 32 bit, not 64.
Going to be a pretty noob question, but how do I change it from running in 64 bit to 32 bit? I've gone into the folder that it's located and just started it from the Wow.exe instead of the launcher. Also, all it's doing now is continuing with the authentication failed error.
Fixed the problem with the authentication failed error reoccurring. Is the questing bot broken or something? Just sitting there once I turn it on.
register here Home Page - Buddy Auth Portal using the same email u used in checkout page and next time you will get the max sessions msg login and kill the session in use