Okay, I'm sure a few of you will think I'm an utter meanie for this, but wanted to share. The following occured on a pvp server. There is an area where you can farm things that I'm interested in, and it's a relatively limited area. I went there to farm and noticed that there's a bot farming already (very easy to see due to its waypoints), from the opposite faction. Made more obvious perhaps by the rubbish gear it had on. I figured I'd let him farm a bit and checked in repeatedly over the next day, but it kept going non-stop. So please, don't be reckless and farm the same area too much. You'll annoy people which at worst will get you banned and perhaps slightly less bad situation means getting killed repeatedly and wasting your time (you don't get much farming done if you don't stay alive). If you need to ask; no I didn't rat him out, I just helped him take dirt naps repeatedly until the owner returned and moved the bot out.
Oh btw, forgot to mention.. not just us there, someone told me (when I popped by) that the other guy was always there, definitely a bot, etc. Technically I did him a favour by reducing odds he'll be repeated 10 times a day =P
Do not fault the successful participant in a flawed system; try instead to discern and rebuke that aspect of its organization which allows or encourages the behavior that has provoked your displeasure. Botting on a PvP server seems like rolling the dice to me. I will bot on a full server, but not a PvP server. I remember seeing a Blood Elf stuck on a pillar in Uldum while mounted on a drake and just kind of laughed, would never report a fellow buddy or botter.
I am curious, was this in the Cathedral of Darkness? I had almost the exact same thing happen to me yesterday.
ganking a fellow bot is fine, and expected.. ratting out a fellow botter is low. I have no problem with what you did OP
I'll never report another botter, but I'll send 'em a tell that I did just to try and scare 'em off. The best part is new botters will reply 15 20 minutes later with I am not a bot I was just afk.
I do mostly the same thing, or at least kill them a couple of times. I was interested yesterday though that this guy kept running back to his body and never went AFK at the Cathedral in icecrown...obviously botting because he could just fly and was "stuck" on a hill on a ground mount...wtb working anti afk plugin!
I saw the same thing happen on Frostmourne yesterday. Was pretty funny a DK had been farming azure whelpling for hours and a mage and hunter were ganking him
how do you know its not a team of chinese people going at it for days on end? #Chinesebottinskillzrsounrivaleditwillmakeyouwanttokilltheircharforever
I love how he justifies it. Whatever he needs to say to make his actions feel admissible. If someone is there for days on end, obviously they aren't too worried about a ban. Don't feel you did him justice by doing this, instead be honest and say you did it because you were "fucking tired of him being there." Don't worry about what the bot is doing, i'm sure it could give two shits about what you are doing.
Honestly I am thankful whenever someone kills me when I get stuck, it lessens the chance that I get reported. I try to do the same to others as well, when I see a bot get stuck I try to kill them to help them out a bit. Slow progress is better then a ban, so kill me whenever you get the chance, I don't mind =p.
i dont understand how getting killed makes you have less of a chance of getting banned. If they think you are a bot you might get reported. I understand this logic if you are stuck, but not in a spot grinding mobs for days on end. That would be on you creating your own personal decisions.