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  • [Plugin] Giles Trinity

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by GilesSmith, Sep 5, 2012.

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    1. r0sc0

      r0sc0 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Giles, anyway to make the bot pickup more adds as it seems to run forwards ignoring mobs from the sides until they are infront of them.
    2. Colossus

      Colossus New Member

      Sep 6, 2012
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      Awesome updates for WD :D i can stop modifying the spirit walk now and hex is bonus !

      Thanks Giles.
    3. Herman B

      Herman B New Member

      Aug 29, 2012
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      Hi again Giles!

      2 questions this time :)

      1. Is there also another way of donating instead of PayPal?

      2. About Stash loot stuff.
      I've reserved my first and second stash tab. So basically all the loot should go to tab 3. (Using custom loot rules btw, but you knew that because of earlier posts)
      I've seen some loot being stashed on the first tab tho. I researched a little bit and there's a strange thing going on. I'll also tell the difference when not using Trinity, maybe it'll help.

      When not using Trinity, DB will go to my stash.
      It will go to tab 3 and deposit its loot. (Sounds excellent, just the way I want it.)

      When using Trinity, he'll go to my stash.
      It will stay on tab 1 (which is a bit weird.)
      And it will deposit its loot. (Which is great, but since tab 1 is opened, sometimes loot will be deposited in the first tab, instead of the 3rd one.)
      (Most of the mats which are being dumped in the stash are already on tab 3, so when additional loot is dumped, it will automatically go to the 3rd tab also. New items are sometimes dumped on the first tab, which happened with a weapon. Weird thing is: plans & Designs were dropped on the 3rd tab....????? That didnt make much sense to me tho. But maybe it was just coincidence. Just to give you some more info: I got lots of space left on tab 3, so that wont be the problem)
      Any ideas on this one?

      (btw: I can confirm the 'stuck' position in ACT 3 when walking towards the Blacksmith to Salvage)
      Last edited: Sep 18, 2012
    4. w4rr3n

      w4rr3n New Member

      Aug 21, 2012
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      materials are made to be dropped on 3rd tab and why are you reserving first and second page? Bot won't withdraw from stash so its pretty safe :)
    5. stavrakas

      stavrakas New Member

      Jun 16, 2012
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      Suggestion :

      Decrease the range of critical mass wizards' energy twister spamming. My wizard casts it quite a long ways away from some monsters, resulting in waste of arcane power since the spell's direction is completely random. I took a look at your code and you seem to have it set at 10f - I changed it to 1f and it helped quite a bit.

      Also, in your if statement (line 5635), is
      needed? Not that it matters, but isn't that a redundant check?
    6. Symbiotic

      Symbiotic New Member

      Jan 27, 2012
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      Search for:
      // Rend spam

      In that section, you'll see:
      // Either off full 4 second or so cooldown...
      GilesUseTimer(SNOPower.Barbarian_Rend) ||

      Change it to:
      GilesUseTimer(SNOPower.Barbarian_Rend, true) ||

      And at the bottom:
      // And finally, got at least 25 energy
      playerStatus.dCurrentEnergy >= 25)

      Change to:
      playerStatus.dCurrentEnergy >= 20)

      You can actually make that 20 lower if you have gear that has a reduction of Rend cost. It's a percentage, so if you have higher total Fury, then you can lower than even further.

      Something is definitely still bugged with Rend, but changing those two settings helps a lot. WAY more spammy (probably too much). I'm too lazy to check to see what that 'true' flag even does. Bombtastic suggested it and I just went with it.
      Last edited: Sep 18, 2012
    7. Moley

      Moley New Member

      Jul 15, 2012
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      I'll give this a test when the servers come back; I had set it at 10 because at 1f, it cast behind the monsters sometimes and got no crits, I see that sometimes it tries to cast at about 20f too, IF it was attacking a previous monster at 10 feet and new monster is within the range of attack, so the bot doesn't think it needs to move to the new target even though it maybe 17f away.

      I will experiment with FN/EB/ET and expect an update in the next release or so.

      That check is set to spam ET whenever there is less than total AP, w/o it, in my experience it doesn't spam enough
    8. rezthazkills

      rezthazkills New Member

      Dec 23, 2010
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      QuestOrderManager.OnBotStop(). Resetting caches. My logs are full of this, And what happends is that the diablo freeze for 0.5 seconds and then resume game and run like 1 step. Tehn do that over and over and logs are full of "QuestOrderManager.OnBotStop(). Resetting caches."

    9. barbarianos

      barbarianos Banned

      Sep 13, 2012
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      Until today I had no problem with it.

      Today I don't know with either new DB or new plugin bot is getting stuck near stash. I mean it has tp to town to ident and when he comes to stash he just stop moving..Any idea?

      I use UnStuckMe and I disabled Giles unstucker while ago.
    10. Herman B

      Herman B New Member

      Aug 29, 2012
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      Reason for me to reserve the first and second tab is quite simple :)
      After a while, when I check back in, I want all of the loot to be on 1 tab (the third one). On the other tabs I keep different kind of other stuff, which I dont want to get mixed up.

      Not that it really matters why I'm using it that way tho. Since its functionality (protected stash pages) is already in DB, and I'm just pointing out that this functionality is different when using Trinity. :)

      I thought about a possible fix for the stuck part in ACT 3. Don't know if it'll work, but it could be a nice work-around.
      After the vendor part, you would walk either to the portal place OR the Blacksmith, right?
      What if in both cases you'd walk to the portal place. At the portal (just before actually using it), make the check to see if you still need to Salvage stuff. (Which is a straight line, no way to get stuck there)
      Last edited: Sep 18, 2012
    11. JoeC

      JoeC New Member

      Aug 3, 2012
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      I had set my profile radius to 80 and set non elite via plugin to 13, but as i mentioned in another thread of DB support, The radius i set gets automatically reverted to a number depending on the profile which is active. I think it sets it to 35. I just wanted to get your take on how elites are bing prioritized, as he would hunt down the goblin even when its out of range, i thought the same would be for elites.
      Last edited: Sep 18, 2012
    12. Berend

      Berend New Member

      Jul 26, 2012
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      Great plugin you made Giles and it keeps getting better and better :)
      (still a great mystery to me how you managed to learn C# so damn quick and achieved this level of programming in such a short time!)
      Anyways I just wanted to report something weird:

      Bot ran in the tower to the next position in the script (no mobs close) when it ran straight past a goblin (I estimate no more than 4 yards away). I caught it doing it so moved it manually towards the goblin till it got close enough to trigger WotB and started killing it on its own.
      I have set the priority to Kamikaze and I think it was just a glitch somewhere in DB, but I thought well I report it anyways.
      I checked the log (standard log) but there was nothing weird in it. Also I never have seen it ignoring a gobbo before...

      using only your Trinity Plugin and Rads Profile Manager, latest versions. (no use for other plugins like unstuckers or anything)
      and using .227 of DB
      I left most settings as default. Only things changed:
      - it opens non blocking containers
      - object breaking range set to 0 (due to weird pauzes at barricades)
      - and the prio for gobbo's to kamikaze
      Last edited: Sep 18, 2012
    13. bombastic

      bombastic New Member

      Jun 18, 2012
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      Giles, some GUI Suggestions:

      --- Duplicate the fields in barb's avoidance tab. The new fields will provide the values to be used when WotB is activated (actually hardcoded to 70% of the original values);
      *** Reason: I don't want to avoid almost anything with wotb activated. For my tank barb is better to attack than avoid, cause of life steal. I have to change the code manually everytime a new version arrives. I think any act 3 barb is on the same situation.

      --- A specific "Wrath of the Berserk" customize area, with:
      *** If wotb must be used on goblins;
      Actually I had to disable it on goblins. I can solo them without wotb. And generally there's a elite 30 seconds later. (btw I use a legendary ring that random summons a goblin, 99% of the time on elites wotb was on cooldown cause of that)
      *** Option to customize minimum % to active wotb on bosses (actually hardcoded to 60%, or 100% if a ww build)
      A lot of barbs can kill bosses in less than 15 seconds and want wotb activated since the battle starts.
      *** Option to disable wotb waiting on Azmodan entrance;

      --- A specific "Rend spam" customize area, to changes all the 4 rend values (actually hardcoded on 500ms, 1200ms, 1600ms and 2200ms);
      That would prevent 99% of "plz help with rend" replys :)

      --- Option to overwrite the profile set range, and name it as "Maximum range"; (if set to 0 disable it and use demonbuddy values, as giles actually does)
      Besides the obvious advantage -- make GilesTrinity controls the range, not some obscure tag on each profile -- this also will help ppl to understand NOTHING outside that range would be attacked, except for goblins.

      --- Option to double range IF some mages are detected (like with goblins actually);
      *** Reason: if the range for trash mobs is low, a lot of times some mages stay outside that range and are never attacked (summoning things, shielding units, etc). Idea: create a hashActorSNOMages with SNO's 365, 4100, 4304 and 4300 (Fallen and Goat Shamans).
      *** Another reason: if range is too low and bot try to teleport, mages keep attacking you outside the range -- untill you are dead.
      (I already implemented these change, with good results);

      --- Option to customize the extra weight on health globes (actually hardcoded to 20 foots).
      Last edited: Sep 18, 2012
    14. StefanKFG

      StefanKFG New Member

      Sep 5, 2010
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      Hey Giles,
      your Plugin is f***ing awesome. I'll donate some € when I got my salary :).
      I've two questions. I'm mostly running act II champion hunting with Radsprofileswitcher. I recognized some spots where my toon is doing crazy things like go back and forth really fast or stucks always at the same place. Is this plugin or profile related? How can I give good and useful information to you so it can be debugged?

      Second question. I guess you got plenty of questions based on following, but when do you think, Demonhunters can use this f***ing awesome plugin? If it takes to long, I'll bot another monk or barb so I can do champion runs with them aswell.

      Thx for this great plugin and keep up the good work!
    15. GilesSmith

      GilesSmith New Member

      Jun 2, 2012
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      This is a problem with DB's built in unstucker (no way to disable it), or another plugin you have, or a profile manager/the routine. Those messages are not related to Trinity at all :) The 0.5 second lags certainly sound like DB's built in unstucker though, as that's what it does. I've already made an official request to have an option to disable this, so fingers crossed.

      For now, try disabling salvaging (stick to selling stuff), if you are in act 3. A screenshot of where it gets stuck may help determine the exact cause though :)

      As I said in my first message to you - the routine/profile you run sets this value live - so forget about editing it yourself in the DB settings tab, that setting will constantly be over-ridden. If you want a higher kill radius overall, then you will have to edit the .xml's of the routine/profile you use, or ask the profile maker to increase the radius a bit for you.

      Was it just after entering a portal, or in an area of map with particularly tight corridors and narrow bends? If so then it will be your routine/profile having an extremely short kill radius for that map-zone set to help prevent stucks. I find that most routines/profiles actually have this value set far too low (lower than is necessary), and they could all be increased by about 10 foot or so in every single routine I've seen to date - especially since Trinity handles unreachable monsters a lot better than default DemonBuddy/Belphegor does.
    16. Moley

      Moley New Member

      Jul 15, 2012
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      Demon Hunters who want to help Giles

      1. Make a list of of the most popular used skills and WORKING builds
      2. Make note of any reduction in cool downs or regen related to specific skills
      3. State how and when you want each spell used IE (on cool down, @50 health , @50disc, against >1 Elites, etc) DO this for each and every spell
      4. List the distances to use such spells
      5. Any other special DH specific needs (common bonuses or spell combos)
      6. Have patience
      7. ????
      8. Profit
      9. Donate
      Last edited: Sep 18, 2012
    17. Dbuddy

      Dbuddy Member

      Jun 18, 2012
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      got troubles with "barricades" since latest updates...
      any1 else seen this?

      nothing big, but the bot is loosing some seconds at some barricades. (Act3, e.g. field of slaughter at the beginning)
    18. JoeC

      JoeC New Member

      Aug 3, 2012
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      The absence of morning coffee really slows my brain functions lol.
    19. Moley

      Moley New Member

      Jul 15, 2012
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      Try setting Destructible object Distance in the GUI to ZERO
    20. cfong

      cfong New Member

      Sep 18, 2012
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      I'm definitely seeing this for both EB and ET.. and often it won't even close distance for the melee weapon if I am out of AP.
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