Hey all, This is not really an Honor buddy problem as it is a WoW game client problem, but I just want to get some opinions to see if this has happened to anyone else, so I know i'm not going crazy. I initially downloaded patch 5.0.4 and it worked fine ( on a 64bit system). When i tried to change the client to the 32 bit version in order to start the bot and get things up and running. I get the in-game downloading circle, saying that important game data is being downloaded. My game then works as if it does not have the game client installed at all. I then tried to exit and reload the 64bit version and it loads but It's still downloading game data. I had then deleted WoW after talking to a GM and trying to do a UI reset, blah blah blah ect.. NO HELP. So I reinstalled WoW and was playing it fine in the 64bit version. Today i try and load the 32bit client to test out honor buddy and The same thing happened with it trying to download game data.. ect. I guess I really wouldn't mind that as much, but I cannot get the game data to download through the background downloader, just when I'm logged into the game.. VERY ANNOYING. and it is taking FOREVER So, is there any way I can get a version of the client and just direct download it from somewhere else and install it to cut out the middle man, or should I just suck it up and wait painfully while i have to come back to my computer ever 15 minutes to make sure it dosent log out of game......... FML.. Any input would greatly help for this is driving me nutz!!!!! Thanks
have you tried using the blizzards repair tool, to check your wow install and repair any files that might be damaged or missing? also remember your client needs to be completely patched and downloaded before trying to login and use honorbuddy.
The repair tool no longer exits, and Yes my client was fully installed and I have been playing it for the last week with no problems. It was only after I tried to change to the 32 bit client that it started to download the game again
So I guess no one else had any problems like this? Blizz did away with the repair tool. So i can't rely on that anymore. Not sure what to do being that this is the second time I've tried to load the 32 bit client and the game goes into the crapper. I tried to let the game data download in game and hit 100%, I then exited game and logged back in and the ingame download was at 57%........ Anyone have any sort of feedback?