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  • Q/A for the Honorbuddy MoP Release

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by BotOperator, Sep 18, 2012.

    1. cordes96

      cordes96 Member

      May 7, 2012
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      I get that your impatience but come on, calm your tits. Its just a game just sit back and relax they have lives too, they are your servant. Also i'm wondering if you make your living off of making gold and selling it and what i can say is you need a better career. If you think they are doing it all wrong pick up Book and learn scripting/coding and try and do what they do with everything changing on them. I surprised they got this far this fast. I'm a newer user yes but that doesn't mean that i don't know what i'm talking about because i have tried creating my own bot and yes it failed, but you don't know if you don't try and i can tell you that code changes, things get detected, when you take out one code you have to fix another piece of code that Relays on that code that was taken out and replace. You understand the Honorbuddy team has lost many Developers mainly in CC Creation and Plugin Development but also having someone breathing down their backs isn't helping. Most of the people who are using HB are testing anything all they do is expect it to work but when they get a error they post a log on the forum and expect it to be fix automatically. Like you, you want Questing Fixed we always don't get what we want do we
      Last edited: Sep 18, 2012
    2. Billybob

      Billybob New Member

      Sep 3, 2012
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      Yea, he's right. So many botters don't give a crap about the 5000 little changes that happened in the last 30 min of this test release. It's not worth the developers time to keep us updated on that crap, and I don't want to see it.

      The bot is broken - get over it. I have been using this broken bot fairly well over the past few weeks. Just use the updates & workarounds suggested by the dev team & the community. Spend less time complaining & more time helping yourself cheat better.

      Far more people complain, as opposed to give positive feedback, its like 10 to 1 (if I'm not mistaken). So just because there are a few folks on the forums constantly grumping, it does not mean that the HB community is upset. Most of us are happy as pigs in shit, because the complainers are not able to figure shit out & we can bot our asses off in their absence.

      The bot is down until it is not - get over it. Use the functions that work (there are many) and go cheat WoW like the rest of us.
    3. Chimpers

      Chimpers New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Join Date: 03.09.2012

      'nuff said.
    4. Billybob

      Billybob New Member

      Sep 3, 2012
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      Nice post. One thing though, the functions used for making & selling gold are working very well. This cant be this person's problem. I have no idea why this guy's panties are in a bunch. A lack of botters is making farming uber easy on the high pop realms. Yes, there are hiccups when Blizz makes a change or the new HB update throws a wrench in the works, but the dev team fixes those things very quickly. People just want transitions to be seamless and that's not always possible.
    5. hi1674

      hi1674 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Well , A changelog isn't always for the worse.

      If it is provided it would be VERY easy to see if the issue that just does not make the bot work and suit this individual has been addressed.

      It isn't very nice to say that 90% of your userbase either does not care or is to stupid to understand the changelog.(Yes i read a bit between the lines here but basically that's what you guys are saying)

      99.5% of all software developed has changelogs or descriptions what a patch/new version fixes.
      I doubt this community is too stupid to deserve one as well.

      This is only a humble opinion in this matter.

      On a side note, BOT is getting towards a better day now.
      Great work and extra stars to the Devs.
      Last edited: Sep 18, 2012
    6. Zstar21

      Zstar21 New Member

      Apr 13, 2012
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      While I do some programming myself, I strongly agree with this guy. There seems to be a huge breakdown in communication. Pirox may not have been as user friendly, but the downtimes was extremely minimal, and updates were givin constantly. They also had a chat box at the top of the site for user communication. It was amazing.

      I was one of those defending the dev team for the first week or two, but now it's getting to be a bit out of control. Minimal updates, and virtually NOTHING working fully. Can't fix one thing at a time and start knocking things out? Tbh if I knew of another bot I would look else where.
      Last edited: Sep 18, 2012
    7. Chimpers

      Chimpers New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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    8. nikolaj00

      nikolaj00 New Member

      Sep 13, 2012
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      :mad: guys we need to fix the leveling skinning bot its not skinning or go in cat form and kill it
    9. osirislives

      osirislives Member

      Mar 2, 2012
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      I don't know about how they do it in fantasy rainbow land ya'll live in, but here in the real world things don't always go the way you want them. If you don't like the timeliness or the customer service or whatever from HB, go take your business elsewhere. This bot has repeatedly shown itself to be the best, and it's not like it broke the bank to purchase. So, in summary, 1) wait patiently like everyone else for a product that has always been superior, 2) go learn how to do something like this yourself, start your own bot and run it the way you want, 3) go somewhere else.
    10. cordes96

      cordes96 Member

      May 7, 2012
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      Clap to you :) . I agree. But guys come on They wont have a Fully stable Bot until MoP Comes out. I know people are like all you got to do is Code well its not easy. Everyone wants different things and there is only a limited people coding, when they fix one thing they gotta fix another part of the code that conflicting with the Code. They have to make Sure that their Syntax code is correct they have to make sure that things are highly undetectable. which nothing is 100% undetectable there is always a chance something changing and bam we all get banned. They have to re-write most of the questing/Spell Casting Behaviors because of MoP changing things and Re-writing things like. Spells have been changed around so the Devs got to go back and make sure HB recongizes that you have the spell and its able to be cast some chiz like that. anyway Things have changed more then you think. Questing will take time to Repair but i think they need to start out with something simple and fix BGBuddy, what honorbuddy was designed for, Get it Honorbuddy aka *BGBOT* or *Honor Farmer*. But it will get Bad before it gets better thats how the world works.
      Last edited: Sep 19, 2012
    11. cg1203im

      cg1203im New Member

      Feb 17, 2012
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      since the whole downtime i ask myself every day... was it really necessary to change the bot to .net4.0 in this critical phase? wouldn't it have been much faster to do the necessary changes in the old, working script? wouldn't it have been better, to throw out a working version scripted in .net3,5, even the performance is a little worse?

      paying customers (i like this phrase) would be satisfied, and devs would have so much time to recode the script to .net4.0. change all libraries, clear all crap out of the source.

      i bet, the source is full of crap again, cos 1000 things have to be coded in the same time.

      but who am i? i can't code, i don't know anything about 3.5 or 4.0. but 1 thing i know... usually if i pay for something, i get what i pay for. i know 99% don't like that i speak this words. but see it like this. if you buy a ipod, and it is broken after 3 month. do you want your money back, or another 100% working product? or will go write to alpple and say, hey, cherries. you do great work, continue like this. my product is broken since a month, but take your time, i don't need it the next 6 months
      Last edited: Sep 19, 2012
    12. cordes96

      cordes96 Member

      May 7, 2012
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      funny thing is they all ready have your Money. Anyway Things take time. its Good they have Updated the code to 4.0 instead of 3.5 that way when they have a working bot and they change it to 4.0 from 3.5 and it breaks everything everyones going to be whining even more then now. so why not update a code in a broken bot so when it gets fixed they don't have to change any of its code to become 4.0. to tell you its not a big change from 3.5 to 4.0. the bigger changes were in wow its self. The old code that would Run with wow would get errors and thats why they have to re-write most of their code. the old code has become useless. if they stayed 3.5 they would still have to Re-write most of HB anyway.
      Last edited: Sep 19, 2012
    13. WhitePelon

      WhitePelon New Member

      Dec 10, 2010
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      First off let me say "WELCOME" its always good to have more staff around!!!
      Second to ALL the Devs(main dev's, profile dev's, and plug-in dev's) TY TY TY TY TY TY TY, your hard work is astonishing, I have done coding in the past nothing this scale, but I know what its like so again TY TY TY TY TY!!!!!!
      Third and I think that this is where a few points have been missed......

      Yes there are alot of SHEEP in this bot community and do just want to click the button and GO, please feel sorry for them, for they no not what there doing LMFAO!!!!!! On the other hand there are ALOT of us that do what to know whats changed and or different with the bot. Im not talking every lil change to the code as im sure its extensive specially with all the major changes going on in WoW and here with HB. With that said I know Kickazz is off doing personal stuff and RL takes presidence, but would it be possible to get updates like he was giving a few times a day????? You know just the bullet points, and if a new test release hits drop the old forum post with the OFFICIAL TEST RELEASE and do a new one, as the one that exsists now has spun out of control with people QQ'ing. Now to the community STFU with all the QQ'ing if you cant follow directions (AKA like the ones you first learned in preschool) dont bitch, post a log and give an explination in detail for christ sake. After flippin throught post in the forums if you notice the Dev's answer the ones that do and get back to people with answers. I mean how hard is it REALL????? DAMN SHEEP!!!! So with that said again welcome BotOperator and again ty ty Tony, Raphus, Kickazz, Bossland, Apoc, Nesox and Hawker your time and dedication are much appreciated!!!!!!
    14. xaq

      xaq New Member

      Aug 29, 2012
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      I'm not really sure what the complaint is - the bot for ME is 90% effective, if all I do is grind it's 100% - I've been questing today on my paly and have done nearly 300 quests with minimal interaction. There were a few quest profile issues so out of the 300 quests I've had to do MAYBE 3 or 4 of them manually

      These are all from 78-83 so far.
    15. no1knowsy

      no1knowsy Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2010
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      And this, boys and girls, is when you learn that being able to post on the forums is a privilege.
      Anyone can read them, but if you want to be able to talk on them you need to be respectful.

      This is another good point. Because he joined the first day this forum was opened he feels that he is entitled to something. He is not.
      He feels that users who joined recently have no idea what is going on, when in fact, they are the ones here without a clouded view from the history of the forums.
      He also hasn't given anything back to the community that he has demanded, and used, so many good things from over the past 2+ years.

      So you guys don't have to waste your time, this user received a ban.

      As far as the thread topic, as BotOp posted, test releases are not meant to be used by the general public.
      That's why they do medical trials prior to approval of sale.

      Every day we come closer to MoP, and in turn, the HB we all remember and love.
      Last edited: Sep 19, 2012
    16. namook

      namook Member

      May 5, 2012
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      This kinda makes me laugh sorry but 90% was a silly statement, have we done a poll in the forums who would like to see change log/updates? I personally have only seen people wanting to see change logs/updates, even new comers would like to see change logs even if they do not understand them , quite frankly every product that is released or given changes, should have a change log, it is very unprofessional and sloppy, it comes across as lazy, more time is spent talking about it when, more time could be invested in actually writing a few simple lines to shut users up? it really makes no sense what so ever not to have a change log. While I agree with many of your statements etc, this I strongly disagree with we want change logs end of story.
      I understand that time is limited resources are limited but really it is not that hard to implement a few lines of wording saying what has been done to the test version, I can not stress it enough.
    17. Hardbunny

      Hardbunny New Member

      Nov 17, 2011
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      I think 90% is a fair estimate, and this "botOperator" probably has some stats to back his claims up as well. I know I recommended Honorbuddy to two of my friends, and they cant research for shit. And ask me for help all the time, basically they are a part of the 90% BotOperator explains.

      There is two ways to look at the situation now, in my opinion.

      1. You are grateful you are allowed to test the early beta/alpha versions of a software the devs are busy on.

      2. You were told you bought lifetime key for honorbuddy until "wow doesn't exist, or we're sued" or something along those lines (can't remember) and feel like you are not getting what you paid for because this release takes too long.

      both are fair tbh, but it's not helping to whine on the forums. If you are truly interested, maybe you should jump on their irc. See what some of the problems they are facing actually are, and try to understand more of the issues.

      I do think a changelog would mitigate a lot of confusion on the forums though. But that is a decision the devs made.
    18. WileE91

      WileE91 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Can we get a few words on how questing is coming along?
      It's gotten worse and worse in the last releases.
      Last edited: Sep 21, 2012
    19. Dominium

      Dominium New Member

      Aug 13, 2012
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      Pleeease fix Archeology. It flies up and then just stands in the air about 300-400 yards away from the dog site. No log since it doesn't say anything except 'Moving to digsite' ...
    20. no1knowsy

      no1knowsy Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2010
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      This is a Q/A thread, not an error report thread.

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