I have a level 14 warlock, he casts corruption, affliction, affliction then melee auto attack. If my minion dies my character just goes afk.
Same thing is happening. After using Metamorphosis the log says it's using "Doom" and the battle log in game says "hit for 5 shadow damage". Tell it to use Shadow Bolt.
The problem lies in the fact that spells change at different levels. For an example; at level 24 and below, Shadow Bolt = Shadow Bolt. But at level 25, you learn a new talent called: [Metamorphosis: Touch of Chaos] which changes Shadow Bolt to = Touch of Chaos. This is a new dynamic for CC makers and there needs to be a new bit of code that allows for the bot to understand that it needs to cast shadow bolt until it is level 25. Until then you can modify the existing code to cast shadow bolt instead of touch of chaos until your lvl 25. On a side note. The bot is trying to cast Health Funnel and run at the same time. Any way of fixing this?
For some reason after the last few HB updates my destro isn't working right, it's auto attacking instead of casting incinerate, it casts conflag and chaos bolts but instead of spamming incinerate it just auto attacks with the wand.
My Warlock is also Demology. But she doesn't make use of the whole duration of Demon form. When she attacks a mob she enters Demon form and a split second after she exits Demon form. I also have: Glyph of Demon hunting. But if I enter that form manually, she just uses auto attacks. Is there an option that you can fight and use spells with the Glyph of Demon hunting (wings) active?
I have been using these class profiles and the rotation for Demonology is missing one thing. When the warlock uses Metamorphosis, the warlock should be using "Touch of Chaos". As it stands, it's just auto-attacking.
Worked great once I removed fel armor and demon armor from the common cs. It kept trying to cast it despite the spell being gone.