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  • [Release] Demonbuddy - Glorious Monday build (#252)

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Nesox, Sep 24, 2012.

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    1. Nesox

      Nesox Moderator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jan 15, 2010
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      is our bot for Diablo III

      • Grinding
      • Stashing Items
      • Repairing your equipment
      • Selling items to vendors
      • Salvaging items
      • Ability to logout when your inventory is full or stop the bot
      • Setting up protected stash pages and bag slots
      • Configurable loot and kill radius
      • Ability to change what % the bot repairs at
      • Item rules for picking up, selling, stashing, and salvaging, as simple as you'd like, or as complex as you'd like
      • Plugins ( none included but there will be eventually. )
      • Full support for custom combat routines as you'd expect from the Buddy Team
      • Built-in updater
      • Command line arguments for easy creation of shortcuts.

      This will not work in Germany for legal reasons.

      Download From: Demonbuddy the 3rd party Farming and Leveling Tool for the amazing Diablo 3 Game


      Reporting Bugs
      When reporting a bug, please include your full log file (found in your bot folder under the "Logs" directory, sort by creation date to find it easier), a full and detailed explanation of the bug, as well as any screenshots that may be useful in tracking down the bug. Also include your class, level, act, difficulty in any bug reports to help us quickly reproduce bugs. (We cannot hunt down bugs with no information, its just not feasible).

      Changelog .252
      • Added "MinimapIconStairs_Switch" to the ignoreLootables list,
      • Enabled raycast path generation in the UseObjectTag again.
      • UseWaypoint and UseObject now waits to make sure they are in the destination world before proceeding with the rest of the profile.
      Changelog .250
      • Problems with the bot requesting invalid paths over and over should be fixed.
      • Some other small improvements, using portals should be slightly faster.
      • Using waypoints works properly again.
      • Now shows battlenet names in the process selector window again!
      Changelog .247
      • UseWaypointTag IsDone_get() now returns true when the current LevelAreaId matches the destination.
      Changelog .246
      • Some changes for Belphegor.
      Changelog .242
      • Should no longer attempt to navigate thru walls in generated worlds.
      • Text on the Start/Stop button fixed.
      • Added a hook executor for the scheduler in the brain behavior.
      • Disabled using the raycast navigation provider in the useobject tag.
      • Changed how it's using UsePower in the CombatRoutine interface implementation.
      • Moved destroying objects and opening doors to the BrainBehavior instead of having it in the navigator.
      • ObstacleTargeting added. Keeps track of a list of actors that should be destroyed. ( includes doors to be opened too! )
      • InactivityDetector now resets when you start or stop the bot.
      • Should take Z into account when navigating with client grid, searches 5x5 cells around destination point and picks closest cell. ( this fixes problems with it getting stuck above portals etc. )
      • StuckHandler now uses an interface and is replacable if you set the "StuckHandler" provider in the navigator.
      • No longer get's stuck on walls of fire in "The Keep Depths" and some other unattackable objects.
      • Is now able to open "Siege Tower Doors" in "The Keep Depths" wich requires some extra distance when clicking.
      • Now logs the actorID of obstacles the bot destroys.
      • Logging destroying obstacles moved to "Diagnostic"
      Changelog .227
      • Exploring random dungeons and dumping minimap markers should work again.

      Changelog .222

      • Enabled closing db if d3 crashes or closes.
      Changelog .220
      • Re-enabled the old actormanager while we track down one bug that's causing the bot to stop doing anything.
      • Disabled closing db if d3 crashes or closes atm.
      Changelog .217
      • XP shrines are now enabled again to work with the new Paragon level system.
      • Very big memory issue fixed. ( should no longer consume up to 1Gb after a few hours )
      • Bot logs are now separated even further, using the current bot's process ID. This alleviates some file I/O read/write lock issues, and should increase performance a bit on heavy logging.
      • File log level set back to diagnostics.
      Changelog .215


      • Updated for
      • CPU usage should be significantly better
      • Fixed a bug in the grid provider that would make it ignore updating when updating for the first time and joining a new game when the world is the same as the last time.
      • ExploreArea tag now reports as done if there's no tsp nodes to visit.
      • Orderbot now closes all questreward dialogs that pops up after completing a quest.
      • ACD - GetAttribute is now alot faster than it used to be.
      • Added "A1_GenericVendor_Tinker_Voiceover" to the targeting blacklist.
      • Changed the default file log level to normal.
      • Made LogFileLevel public.
      • Added ReviveAtLastCheckpointButton, StashWindow, SalvageWindow, VendorWindow to UIElements.
      • Rewrote the death behavior some to check for UIElements instead of using ZetaDia.Me to check if the player died, this fixes a bug that caused the bot to stall due to ZetaDia.Me not being updated properly when the player died.
      • Selling, Salvaging and Stashing items now has a delay so it doesn't perform theese actions instantly.
      • Belphegor updated.
      Changelog .204


      • Demonbuddy should no longer randomly think the player died.
      • Should no longer throw IndexOutOfRange exceptions when getting the markers sometimes.
      • Opening the settings window for a combat routine is now possible when the bot is running.
      • DungeonExplorer no longer requires "generated" worlds. It can "explore" static worlds too.
      • Added in adaptive tick delay. This ensures that the next tick will happen "on schedule" or as close to "on schedule" as possible. This should speed the entire bot up significantly.
      • Moved plugin loading to before profile loading on bot startup.
      • Added a "-autoupdate" argument to the command line argument list. This will force DB to update without any user input, if an update is available.
      • Added a "-noupdate" argument to the command line. This allows you to turn off automatic updates via command line arguments.
      • Now ignores XP shrines at level 60.
      • Fixed the DumpRActors button from possibly crashing the main window thread
      • DungeonExplorer should fully reset when joining a game now.
      • trOut_Wilderness_Planter_A, trOut_Wilderness_Planter_B, Hen_House_trOut_Farms, WoodFenceE_Fields_trOut, WoodFenceC_Fields_trOut added to the barricade blacklist.
      • TownAttackVillager, OmniNPC_Tristram_Male_B, OmniNPC_Tristram_Female_B added to the targeting blacklist.

      • If/While now fully reset when they're supposed to.
      • Implemented TargetPriorities and TargetBlacklists for profiles example below.
        TargetPriority actorId="245234" name="Some display name, not used" multiplier="1.6" />

        TargetBlacklist actorId="11231" name="Some display name, not used" />
      Loot Rules

      • Updated default item rules.
      • Added High Level item rules.
      • Fixed a bug in the item rule evaluator when checking "stacks"
      • Added stats: BlockChance, MaxDiscipline, MaxArcanePower, MaxMana, MaxFury, ManaRegen, SpiritRegen, HatredRegen, ArcaneOnCrit, HealthPerSpiritSpent
      API Changes

      • Actors is now always cleared when the game changes.
      • Added GameEvents.OnGameChanged - Fires when the player changes game, eg; creates a new game. ( does not fire if you leave and rejoin the same game. )
      • DefaultNavigationProvider.CurrentPath is now public.
      • Added ACDItem.FollowerSpecialType. May move this to ItemType in the near future.
      • Added MaxPrimary/SecondaryResource to DiaPlayer.
      • Added CurrentPrimary/SecondaryResource to DiaPlayer. This will provide you the current resource counts.
      • Added BnetService.CurrentGameId and related structure. This is the current game ID information!
      • Properly fixed caching in the search grid provider
      • Added SavlageItems, SellAndRepair, and StashItems tree hooks.
      • Avoidance is now enabled by default, should no longer be considered experimental.
      • Added settings for maximum range to every class, is used for avoidance and pulling.
      • Added multipe settings for health triggering for avoidance.
      • Moved Avoidance settings to it's own file / tab.
      • The slider label with the display name now shows the tooltip information as well.
      • ConfigWindow now shows Version Number at bottom.
      • Slightly increased the width on the ConfigWindow.
      • Monk:
        CycloneStrikeAoECount added and will now cast on elites
        SevenSidedStrikeAoECount added and will now cast on elites
      • Wizard
        FrostNovaAoECount and EnergyTwisterAoECount added
      • Demonhunter
        Rapid Fire now works properly

      Changelog .199
      • Fixes problems with crashing the game client.
      • ExploreAreaTag - issues with "leaveWhenFinished" fixed
      Changelog .196
      • API Fixes:
        • BoxMath.Touches fixed once and for all
        • Added GridSquareSize to NavZoneDef
        • Should no longer throw exception if you relog and then attempt to acess ZetaDia.Minimap
        • Added ReadUnsafe to ExternalProcessReader
        • Added Vector2.Dot
        • Added ReSharper annotation stuff. This makes ReSharper less stupid on the logging class. Feel free to use the rest of the annotations elsewhere.
        • ISearchAreaProvider - added extra API to cover the new things added.
      • Bug Fixes:
        • Now forces all windows in the application to be closed when the bot has been exited. This should fix issues with hanging threads from plugin config windows.
        • Map viewer not shown as dialog anymore
        • InventoryManager -> Equipped is alot faster now.
        • UseObject now handles loot containers properly.
      • New Features:
        • New item evaluator!
        • Now supports logic="Or" attribute on rules. This allows you to simplify your rules. See the forums for a better explanation.
        • Rule 'quality' attribute is now deprecated. Use stat="Quality" value="Rare4" or your chosen rarity. The quality attribute will be removed in a future release.
        • ItemManager.MatchingEngine is the new evaluator. It now includes events fired on start, success, and failure of matching any rule with an item. You may hook these events if you want to implement new logic, or your own logic entirely.
        • Added "unsafeRandomDistance" to MoveTo. You can set this attribute to have your "point" be randomized by some distance. This is an unsafe operation, and does not check if the end point is navigable. Use with caution!
        • Added settings for DestroyEnvironment (barrels, etc), OpenLootContainers (corpses), and OpenChests (These are currently only available in the XML files. There is no UI functionality for these yet!)
        • Hotspot support added for UseObjectTag example:
          <UseObject questId="72801" stepId="17" actorId="102927">
              <Hotspot x="244.8373" y="603.6253" z="0.1000001"  />
              <Hotspot x="239.9895" y="958.5576" z="0.1" />
        • ExploreArea
          • boxSize - Lets you adjust the exploration box size. See the "Map Viewer" for better details.
          • boxTolerance - Lets you adjust the amount of navigable area in each box for it to be considered as a visit area for the exploration.
          • exitNameHash - The name hash of the "exit" to take (or find) for the dungeon. Get this from the "Dump Map Markers" button.
          • leaveWhenFinished - True/False - Tells the bot to leave the area when it has finished exploring. Requires exitNameHash to be set.
          • actorId - the SNO ID of the actor to search for. Once the bot finds this actor, it will end this behavior.
          • until - A multi-purpose attribute to define when this behavior should stop exploring. Valid values are as follows:
            • "FullyExplored" - this is the default. This will end the behavior (or cause it to leave if leaveWhenFinished is defined as True) when it has fully explored the dungeon.
            • "ExitFound" - This will end the behavior when the exit defined by exitNameHash is found. (Optionally leave the game as well if leaveWhenFinished is defined as True)
            • "ObjectFound" - This will end the behavior when the specified actorId is found. The same goes for leaveWhenFinished here.
      • Known Bugs:
        • The bot is unable to determine solid doors, from "transparent" doors. This will cause it to attempt to attack through doors sometimes. (The same applies to walls) This will be fixed within the next few releases (we hope)
        • The bot occasionally attacks corpses on the ground when the "OpenLootContainers" setting is set to "False". We're unsure why this happens, but it will be fixed soon!
      Changelog .185
      • InactivityDetector added. Can be set in the settings tab ( Inactivity Time ) how many minutes it should wait before leaving game if standing still in the same spot.
      Changelog .176
      • InactivityDetector added. Can be set in the settings tab ( Inactivity Time ) how many minutes it should wait before leaving game if standing still in the same spot.
      • Added "DemonVoiceover" to the combat ignore list.
      • Will no longer attempt to attack the projection of Maghda or any of the other un-attackable units in the command outpost in the Khasim outpost
      • Monk and Witch Doctor should no longer cause extreme game lag when using Belphegor
      • Temporarily disabled the stuck handler.
      Changelog .173
      • Updated DefaultItemRules
      • Logs out your sessions before closing Demonbuddy if the process Demonbuddy is attached to is closed.
      • Changed UseObject a little, should work better now.
      Changelog .171

      • Updated for
      • Should no longer hug walls or cut corners as much when generating shorter paths using the local navigation.
      • Bot will take some chests and other objects into account when generating paths to avoid them.
      • ignoreLooting, ignoreCombat attributes removed from ProfileBehavior ( all tags ) use the new tag below.
      • ToggleTargetingTag added. allows you to set kill/loot radius in profiles also let's you toggle looting and combat.
        example: "<ToggleTargeting questId="1" combat="True" looting="False" lootRadius="0" killRadius="10" />"
      • UseObject - shouldn't wait as long after taking portals.
      • Alot of item stats fixed.
      • Added LifeSteal, LifeOnHit and PickUpRadius to Stat types for item rules.
      • Demonbuddy now closes if the D3 process it's attached to is terminated.
      • When in town if vendor or stash can't be found it will move towards where they usally are.
      • Stashing, vendoring and salvaging should work fine in Act2 again.
      • Should no longer get stuck on the training dummy to the right of the stash in Act2 when going to vendor.
      • Updated default item rules.
      Last edited: Oct 1, 2012
    2. Aevitas

      Aevitas Well-Known Member Staff Member Buddy Core Dev

      Mar 2, 2010
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      For the glorious nation and the Great General.
    3. Bazingaw

      Bazingaw New Member

      Jun 17, 2012
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      It is a glorious build indeed
    4. pongdict

      pongdict New Member

      Aug 7, 2012
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    5. Gardettos

      Gardettos New Member

      Jun 11, 2012
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      Ability to open the iron gates of Act 3

      They are actorId="54908" and currently can not be opened by DB. Giles said he could implement the ability in Trinity but that would mean Belph/Generic would become useless on my next profile release since they will always get stuck with them. This is something that should be built into DB imo. They can only be used once but the ActorID remains. So after use they really need a temp blacklist.

      Something similar is the wheels that lowers draw bridges in some Dungeon's in Act 3. Use once actorid still remains.

      This is small but kind of game breaking for Act 3 dungeons. You couldn't random explore them cause they will get stuck at these iron gates.
    6. zerometh

      zerometh New Member

      Jun 13, 2012
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      I will give it a try :)
    7. Gardettos

      Gardettos New Member

      Jun 11, 2012
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      How do you get it to search till Exit is found

      Running a simple profile with this at it's base. The problem is that it is not exploring till it finds exit but till it is fully explored.

      <If condition="ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId == 93104"> <!-- Keep Level 1 -->
      <ExploreArea  questId="1" boxTolerance="0.45" boxSize="20" exploreUntilExit="True" exitNameHash="-1699330855" />
      Image if I am not fully explaining myself good enough


      Well I figured out the answer myself. It is supposed to be

      <If condition="ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId == 93104"> <!-- Keep Level 1 -->
      <ExploreArea  questId="1" boxTolerance="0.45" boxSize="20" until="ExitFound" exitNameHash="-1699330855" />
      I was using my ExitCode based on Kicks Act 1 questing profile. But I guess that is old because it is wrong. I guess if there is not a valid until" " it defaults to Fully Explored.
      Last edited: Sep 24, 2012
    8. placebro

      placebro New Member

      Sep 17, 2012
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      Will current plugins & profiles work fine with this update?
    9. rezthazkills

      rezthazkills New Member

      Dec 23, 2010
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      I cant auth after downloading this one :( Help? Did you change anything regarding the auth?
    10. Gardettos

      Gardettos New Member

      Jun 11, 2012
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      BTW this is a huge upgrade to random dungeons. Only weird thing is the bot trying to attack every single archway if there is a door to break or not.
    11. MonsterMMORPG

      MonsterMMORPG Member

      Aug 22, 2012
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      nice. giles we are waiting you :D
    12. Nesox

      Nesox Moderator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thx should be trivial to add, will take a look.
    13. abuser

      abuser New Member

      Aug 21, 2012
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      hello guys i use DRelogger, and since 241 got this problem:
      "Command line arg runtime - no routines was selected ...."
    14. Gardettos

      Gardettos New Member

      Jun 11, 2012
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      Also, what about the ability to press OK when you hit a teleport stone? This feature is built into RadsProfileManager and Atom but again should be built into DB. This is also needed to press OK to go to a new Act.
    15. MonsterMMORPG

      MonsterMMORPG Member

      Aug 22, 2012
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      destroying obstacles very nicely :d

      [21:55:52.819 N] Destroying obstacle a3dun_Bridge_Munitions_Cart_A-633
      [21:55:53.859 N] Destroying obstacle a3dun_Bridge_Munitions_Cart_A-633
      [21:55:54.669 N] Destroying obstacle a3dun_Keep_Barrel_Snow_No_Skirt-646
      [21:55:54.709 N] Destroying obstacle a3dun_Keep_Crate_B_Snow-645
      [21:55:54.849 N] Destroying obstacle a3dun_Keep_Barrel_Snow_No_Skirt-647
      [21:55:54.879 N] Destroying obstacle a3dun_Bridge_Munitions_Cart_A-633
      [21:55:55.699 N] Destroying obstacle a3dun_Keep_Barrel_Snow_No_Skirt-646
      [21:55:55.879 N] Destroying obstacle a3dun_Bridge_Munitions_Cart_A-633
      [21:55:55.939 N] Destroying obstacle a3dun_Keep_Barrel_Snow_No_Skirt-647
      [21:55:56.909 N] Destroying obstacle a3dun_Bridge_Munitions_Cart_A-633
    16. MonsterMMORPG

      MonsterMMORPG Member

      Aug 22, 2012
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      can you also make db to close diablo 3 exe and demonbuddy exe when session error happened
    17. Gardettos

      Gardettos New Member

      Jun 11, 2012
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      Seems like it is getting the iron doors actually. Just takes the bot a few tries to get it open
    18. abuser

      abuser New Member

      Aug 21, 2012
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      guys plz help me, why since 241 i have problem with command line:
      "Command line arg runtime - no routines was selected ...."
    19. Gardettos

      Gardettos New Member

      Jun 11, 2012
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      Another potential problem are Siege Doors. Those dual wood planks that fold down. Confusing the bot for sure.
      GizmoType: Door Name: a3dun_Keep_SiegeTowerDoor_A-8012 ActorSNO: 54850
    20. MonsterMMORPG

      MonsterMMORPG Member

      Aug 22, 2012
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      Well bot tried to loot a potion

      Go back and forth until i move with my mouse

      So basically inactivity time would be triggered and bot would have quit the game
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