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  • [Release] Demonbuddy - Glorious Monday build (#252)

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Nesox, Sep 24, 2012.

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    1. r0sc0

      r0sc0 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Nesox, since updates the bot hasnt been entering portals or orange doors correctly just standing outside of them. having to manually do it. then it will run the profile once its inside.

      [13:29:25.066 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 7c0e284a-2d93-47b2-a4a7-2a3b06e6989c
      [13:29:25.069 D] Generating path to UNKNOWN - <298.8536, 379.7181, -37.90237>
      [13:29:25.085 D] Raycast path generated.
      [13:29:25.085 D] Generated path to <298.8536, 379.7181, -37.90237> () with 1 hops.
      [13:29:32.914 D] Navigator.Clear
      [13:29:32.973 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 218ecaef-1e21-42f6-9d18-a0f97fc766e5
      [13:29:32.974 D] Generating path to UNKNOWN - <236.1708, 376.3336, -15.05489>
      [13:29:32.989 D] Successfully generated path from {X=151,Y=120} to {X=150,Y=94} in 00:00:00.0003335 with 27(5) hops
      [13:29:32.989 D] Client path generated.
      [13:29:32.989 D] Generated path to <236.1708, 376.3336, -15.05489> () with 5 hops.
      [13:29:35.626 D] Navigator.Clear
      [13:29:35.660 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 37231e52-81b0-4d8f-8be5-3b62f4652558
      [13:29:35.661 D] Generating path to UNKNOWN - <297.7783, 250.1982, -10.12247>
      [13:29:35.668 D] Raycast path generated.
      [13:29:35.668 D] Generated path to <297.7783, 250.1982, -10.12247> () with 1 hops.
      [13:29:41.664 D] Navigator.Clear
      [13:29:41.727 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 7f261c06-7a42-42c5-9fb4-38cb5d5e6048
      [13:29:41.731 D] Generating path to UNKNOWN - <285.0051, 201.6187, -6.497152>
      [13:29:41.739 D] Raycast path generated.
      [13:29:41.739 D] Generated path to <285.0051, 201.6187, -6.497152> () with 1 hops.
      [13:29:43.445 D] Navigator.Clear
      [13:29:43.474 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] b9a84624-3940-45a7-a3c2-0319b3edf459
      [13:29:43.527 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] dc8ecced-5bc4-45aa-96ea-8694e12206b8
      [13:29:43.530 D] Generating path to Interact with object - <272.0601, 176.29, -2>
      [13:29:43.561 D] Successfully generated path from {X=81,Y=114} to {X=71,Y=109} in 00:00:00.0001250 with 11(3) hops
      [13:29:43.561 D] Client path generated.
      [13:29:43.561 D] Generated path to <272.0601, 176.29, -2> (Interact with object) with 3 hops.
      [13:29:44.231 N] Interacting with object g_Portal_Square_Orange-3819
      [13:29:44.574 N] ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      [13:29:44.575 D] [BotEvents] EventChecker  threw exception Could not read bytes from 00000000 [299]! in check
      [13:29:44.577 D] System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.AccessViolationException: Could not read bytes from 00000000 [299]!
         at Zeta.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.ReadBytes(IntPtr address, Int32 count, Boolean isRelative)
         at Zeta.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.Read[T](IntPtr address, Boolean isRelative)
         at Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaObject.()
         at Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaObject.get_ACDGuid()
         at Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaObject.get_IsACDBased()
         at Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaObject.GetCommonData[T]()
         at Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaUnit.get_Level()
         at Zeta.CommonBot.GameStats.(Object , EventArgs )
         --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
         at System.RuntimeMethodHandle._InvokeMethodFast(IRuntimeMethodInfo method, Object target, Object[] arguments, SignatureStruct& sig, MethodAttributes methodAttributes, RuntimeType typeOwner)
         at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethodFast(IRuntimeMethodInfo method, Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, MethodAttributes methodAttributes, RuntimeType typeOwner)
         at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture, Boolean skipVisibilityChecks)
         at System.Delegate.DynamicInvokeImpl(Object[] args)
         at System.Delegate.DynamicInvoke(Object[] args)
         at Zeta.CommonBot.Pulsator.(Delegate , Object[] ) --> System.AccessViolationException: Could not read bytes from 00000000 [299]!
         at Zeta.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.ReadBytes(IntPtr address, Int32 count, Boolean isRelative)
         at Zeta.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.Read[T](IntPtr address, Boolean isRelative)
         at Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaObject.()
         at Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaObject.get_ACDGuid()
         at Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaObject.get_IsACDBased()
         at Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaObject.GetCommonData[T]()
         at Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaUnit.get_Level()
         at Zeta.CommonBot.GameStats.(Object , EventArgs )
      [13:29:44.578 D] System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.AccessViolationException: Could not read bytes from 00000000 [299]!
         at Zeta.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.ReadBytes(IntPtr address, Int32 count, Boolean isRelative)
         at Zeta.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.Read[T](IntPtr address, Boolean isRelative)
         at Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaObject.()
         at Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaObject.get_Position()
         at Zeta.CommonBot.InactivityDetector.(Object , EventArgs )
         --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
         at System.RuntimeMethodHandle._InvokeMethodFast(IRuntimeMethodInfo method, Object target, Object[] arguments, SignatureStruct& sig, MethodAttributes methodAttributes, RuntimeType typeOwner)
         at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethodFast(IRuntimeMethodInfo method, Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, MethodAttributes methodAttributes, RuntimeType typeOwner)
         at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture, Boolean skipVisibilityChecks)
         at System.Delegate.DynamicInvokeImpl(Object[] args)
         at System.Delegate.DynamicInvoke(Object[] args)
         at Zeta.CommonBot.Pulsator.(Delegate , Object[] ) --> System.AccessViolationException: Could not read bytes from 00000000 [299]!
         at Zeta.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.ReadBytes(IntPtr address, Int32 count, Boolean isRelative)
         at Zeta.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.Read[T](IntPtr address, Boolean isRelative)
         at Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaObject.()
         at Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaObject.get_Position()
         at Zeta.CommonBot.InactivityDetector.(Object , EventArgs )
      [13:29:44.805 D] Navigator.Clear
      [13:29:44.807 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 3e8c4b54-2eff-4d35-81ef-d9bf0de47bfc
      [13:29:44.808 D] Navigator.Clear
      [13:29:44.867 D] Generating path to Out #1 - <323.1196, 887.4232, 17.39608>
      [13:29:44.867 D] Raycast path generated.
      [13:29:44.867 D] Generated path to <323.1196, 887.4232, 17.39608> (Out #1) with 1 hops.
      once its failed to do the door once it comes back out of the dungeon it will not run just stands still casts spells but doesnt move.
    2. r0sc0

      r0sc0 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Heres more data for you straight from logs my barb standing right beside the door spamming this code.
      [13:36:57.093 D] Navigator.Clear
      [13:36:57.116 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 3fd05c6c-ad20-46ca-9653-040972abbc76
      [13:36:57.177 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 08913a3b-e605-44b8-a1ba-5ab6a1934a5d
      [13:36:57.180 D] Generating path to Interact with object - <272.0601, 176.29, -2>
      [13:36:57.183 D] Successfully generated path from {X=81,Y=114} to {X=71,Y=109} in 00:00:00.0001362 with 11(3) hops
      [13:36:57.183 D] Client path generated.
      [13:36:57.183 D] Generated path to <272.0601, 176.29, -2> (Interact with object) with 3 hops.
      [13:36:57.795 D] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
         at Zeta.Internals.Actors.DiaGizmo.get_HasBeenOperated()
         at Zeta.CommonBot.Profile.Common.UseObjectTag.(DiaObject )
         at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereListIterator`1.MoveNext()
         at System.Linq.Buffer`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 source)
         at System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`1.<GetEnumerator>d__0.MoveNext()
         at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
         at Zeta.CommonBot.Profile.Common.UseObjectTag.()
         at Zeta.CommonBot.Profile.Common.UseObjectTag.(Object )
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..()
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..()
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
         at Zeta.Common.HookExecutor.Run(Object context)
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.Action.RunAction(Object context)
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.Action..()
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..()
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..()
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
         at Zeta.Common.HookExecutor.Run(Object context)
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.Action.RunAction(Object context)
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.Action..()
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..()
         at Zeta.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
         at Zeta.CommonBot.BotMain.()
      [13:36:58.240 N] Interacting with object g_Portal_Square_Orange-5126
      [13:36:58.657 N] ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      [13:36:58.774 D] Navigator.Clear
      [13:36:58.777 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 36c2ef56-e0bb-425e-ad21-5ceee44e5bab
      [13:36:58.777 D] Navigator.Clear
      [13:36:58.802 D] Generating path to Out #1 - <559.4897, 887.8422, 16.25267>
      [13:36:58.813 D] Raycast path generated.
      [13:36:58.813 D] Generated path to <559.4897, 887.8422, 16.25267> (Out #1) with 1 hops.
      [13:37:00.126 D] Navigator.Clear
      [13:37:00.172 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 1d468d58-29ec-4969-835e-00c876b60b65
      [13:37:00.173 D] Generating path to Out #2 - <561.685, 901.7787, 16.8247>
      [13:37:00.178 D] Raycast path generated.
      [13:37:00.178 D] Generated path to <561.685, 901.7787, 16.8247> (Out #2) with 1 hops.
      [13:37:00.793 D] Navigator.Clear
      [13:37:00.811 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 8c2fa54b-292d-4913-b6f3-91b467be958b
      [13:37:00.812 D] Generating path to Out #3 - <568.0519, 912.9675, 19.69943>
      [13:37:00.840 D] Raycast path generated.
      [13:37:00.840 D] Generated path to <568.0519, 912.9675, 19.69943> (Out #3) with 1 hops.
      [13:37:01.339 D] Navigator.Clear
      [13:37:01.385 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 110b1a43-18ef-40f7-8955-e44e5493e3e0
      [13:37:01.385 D] Generating path to Out #4 - <581.181, 920.6775, 20.1>
      [13:37:01.402 D] Raycast path generated.
      [13:37:01.402 D] Generated path to <581.181, 920.6775, 20.1> (Out #4) with 1 hops.
      [13:37:02.019 D] Navigator.Clear
      [13:37:02.085 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 643a9879-5139-4c28-b4fa-c2a8776261df
      [13:37:02.112 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 9c9947c6-a4c5-4b9c-a609-ba22fec712ec
      [13:37:02.112 D] Generating path to Festering Woods #6 - <621.8332, 947.7255, 20.1>
      [13:37:02.115 D] Raycast path generated.
      [13:37:02.115 D] Generated path to <621.8332, 947.7255, 20.1> (Festering Woods #6) with 1 hops.
      [13:37:03.520 D] Navigator.Clear
      [13:37:03.565 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 94637dc1-c175-4cde-9611-1d10bd32b42a
      [13:37:03.565 D] Generating path to Festering Woods #test fix1 - <538.1703, 1000.492, 20.1>
      [13:37:03.576 D] Raycast path generated.
      [13:37:03.576 D] Generated path to <538.1703, 1000.492, 20.1> (Festering Woods #test fix1) with 1 hops.
      [13:37:05.492 D] [GilesTrinity] Safely handled exception getting attribute max health for unit Skeleton_B-5197
      [13:37:17.055 D] Navigator.Clear
      [13:37:17.121 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] c0852edf-2074-41fb-b590-e150312213bc
      [13:37:17.121 D] Generating path to Festering Woods #test fix2 - <486.7426, 999.6547, 20.1>
      [13:37:17.135 D] Raycast path generated.
      [13:37:17.135 D] Generated path to <486.7426, 999.6547, 20.1> (Festering Woods #test fix2) with 1 hops.
      [13:37:19.282 D] Navigator.Clear
      [13:37:19.301 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 1ff55df5-f2e8-45b7-ae0a-35c99058a7e6
      [13:37:19.302 D] Generating path to Festering Woods #7 - <465.4763, 983.4376, 20.1>
      [13:37:19.331 D] Raycast path generated.
      [13:37:19.331 D] Generated path to <465.4763, 983.4376, 20.1> (Festering Woods #7) with 1 hops.
      [13:37:20.511 D] Navigator.Clear
      [13:37:20.582 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 9641ef50-bfc6-44fb-b692-0dfac5417df8
      [13:37:20.583 D] Generating path to Looking for CotA #2 - <433.91, 965.3154, 20.1>
      [13:37:20.607 D] Raycast path generated.
      [13:37:20.607 D] Generated path to <433.91, 965.3154, 20.1> (Looking for CotA #2) with 1 hops.
      [13:37:22.189 D] Navigator.Clear
      [13:37:22.213 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 33d268ba-3d39-4825-b62c-47aeae0d1464
      [13:37:22.213 D] Generating path to Festering Woods #9 - <362.8572, 955.2391, 20.1>
      [13:37:22.216 D] Raycast path generated.
      [13:37:22.216 D] Generated path to <362.8572, 955.2391, 20.1> (Festering Woods #9) with 1 hops.
      [13:37:30.234 D] Navigator.Clear
      [13:37:30.302 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] b354c550-6ec6-44b1-98fc-89f673db2f68
      [13:37:30.303 D] Generating path to Looking for CotA #3 - <370.9303, 960.3871, 20.1>
      [13:37:30.333 D] Raycast path generated.
      [13:37:30.333 D] Generated path to <370.9303, 960.3871, 20.1> (Looking for CotA #3) with 1 hops.
      [13:37:32.414 D] Navigator.Clear
      [13:37:32.440 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 721b71e3-9af0-4029-87e7-787f39ffee0a
      [13:37:32.441 D] Generating path to Festering Woods #10 - <349.2208, 880.5978, 20.1>
      [13:37:32.468 D] Raycast path generated.
      [13:37:32.468 D] Generated path to <349.2208, 880.5978, 20.1> (Festering Woods #10) with 1 hops.
      [13:37:35.289 D] Navigator.Clear
      [13:37:35.314 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 9f0c1f07-74fe-473e-878f-1633e39500be
      [13:37:35.314 D] Generating path to Festering Woods #11 - <359.0129, 845.9447, 20.1>
      [13:37:35.334 D] Raycast path generated.
      [13:37:35.334 D] Generated path to <359.0129, 845.9447, 20.1> (Festering Woods #11) with 1 hops.
      [13:37:36.963 D] Navigator.Clear
      [13:37:37.016 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 506853c1-6504-43f3-aa01-848438c18dcc
      [13:37:37.018 D] Generating path to Festering Woods #12 - <370.4272, 717.8752, 20.1>
      [13:37:37.029 D] Raycast path generated.
      [13:37:37.029 D] Generated path to <370.4272, 717.8752, 20.1> (Festering Woods #12) with 1 hops.
      [13:37:40.938 D] Nightmarish
      [13:37:40.938 D] ArcaneEnchanted
      [13:37:40.938 D] Fast
      [13:37:40.939 D] Minion
      [13:37:40.944 D] Rare
      [13:37:40.944 D] Nightmarish
      [13:37:40.945 D] ArcaneEnchanted
      [13:37:40.945 D] Fast
      [13:37:41.154 D] Nightmarish
      [13:37:41.155 D] ArcaneEnchanted
      [13:37:41.155 D] Fast
      [13:37:41.155 D] Minion
      [13:37:42.905 D] Navigator.Clear
      [13:37:42.928 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] ca2d15ad-4d4f-416c-8622-45172e1a76d3
      [13:37:42.928 D] Generating path to Looking for Warrior's Rest #1 - <407.474, 716.5413, 20.1>
      [13:37:42.940 D] Raycast path generated.
      [13:37:42.940 D] Generated path to <407.474, 716.5413, 20.1> (Looking for Warrior's Rest #1) with 1 hops.
      [13:37:44.489 D] Navigator.Clear
      [13:37:44.536 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 1ef48a1b-f577-4c94-b3e7-3db9f18996e6
      [13:37:44.575 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] d930fb16-467c-439a-8088-947ac776b7ef
      [13:37:44.576 D] Generating path to In #1 - <435.7175, 705.076, 20.1>
      [13:37:44.591 D] Raycast path generated.
      [13:37:44.591 D] Generated path to <435.7175, 705.076, 20.1> (In #1) with 1 hops.
      [13:37:45.527 D] Navigator.Clear
      [13:37:45.595 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] fedd4640-0dff-483e-a3f5-2781742c7e0f
      [13:37:45.595 D] Generating path to In #2 - <443.6703, 691.9478, 20.14273>
      [13:37:45.614 D] Raycast path generated.
      [13:37:45.614 D] Generated path to <443.6703, 691.9478, 20.14273> (In #2) with 1 hops.
      [13:37:46.450 D] Navigator.Clear
      [13:37:46.500 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 8cc43061-06a6-46aa-b0bf-aa94ff3951a7
      [13:37:46.504 D] Generating path to In #3 - <428.9582, 677.72, 15.85017>
      [13:37:46.519 D] Raycast path generated.
      [13:37:46.519 D] Generated path to <428.9582, 677.72, 15.85017> (In #3) with 1 hops.
      [13:37:47.326 D] Navigator.Clear
      [13:37:47.355 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 8c19e905-3130-42f9-b604-91273e352fb3
      [13:37:47.356 D] Generating path to In #4 - <410.9895, 674.8193, 15.83524>
      [13:37:47.366 D] Raycast path generated.
      [13:37:47.366 D] Generated path to <410.9895, 674.8193, 15.83524> (In #4) with 1 hops.
      [13:37:48.092 D] Navigator.Clear
      [13:37:48.139 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 90254c4d-42e5-4dba-85b8-d3125a61055d
      [13:37:48.140 D] Generating path to Interact with object - <402.9449, 665.2502, 15.94455>
      [13:37:48.372 D] Waiting for path request to finish...
      hope it helps
      Last edited: Sep 25, 2012
    3. xzhenx

      xzhenx New Member

      Jul 12, 2012
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Tested 246 with a couple of bots.

      -Bot still explores already explored areas when there are obvious non-explored areas on mini map nearby (within 7 seconds movement range). Not sure if this can be done, but priority on already explored area needs to be much lower than it is now.

      -Bot stutters when exploring (Moves for a few grids, stops for a mini second, repeat etc)

      -Problem with portals/dungeon entrances

      -Temporal d3 "freeze" for a couple of seconds when in random dungeons (prob path calculating or something), cpu load is never at max so it rules out lack of processing power.

      -Still have stucks, though noticeably lesser than in previous versions.

      All in all, no where near close to being able to run entire act profiles as it's still pretty darn buggy, but I guess it's an improvement
      Last edited: Sep 25, 2012
    4. nille83

      nille83 New Member

      Aug 12, 2012
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      I get like 80 gph less with the new Demonbuddy
    5. plzstoplooking

      plzstoplooking New Member

      Sep 10, 2012
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      doubt belphegore was causing the lag,, coz we use giles trinity which replaces that whole combat routine
    6. r0sc0

      r0sc0 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      There are lag issues with balphagore, iv used it lagged like hell. changed to trinity lagged a bit, new releases came out stopped lagging.
      so its not just DB that can be the issue it can be the plugins or routines that are being used.
    7. r0sc0

      r0sc0 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Nesox, I think it has something to do with Interaction code, in Act 1 farming the scarecrow that you click and it spawns the elites it wasnt clicking that either just standing there like the doors. hope that helps a bit.
    8. babosasa

      babosasa New Member

      Jun 22, 2012
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      Problems with the "portal"

      [22:09:32.513 N] Interacting with object Boss_Portal_Azmodan-43819
      [22:09:33.635 N] Interacting with object Boss_Portal_Azmodan-43819
      [22:09:34.785 N] Interacting with object Boss_Portal_Azmodan-43819
      [22:09:36.007 N] Interacting with object Boss_Portal_Azmodan-43819
      [22:09:37.137 N] Interacting with object Boss_Portal_Azmodan-43819
      [22:09:38.357 N] Interacting with object Boss_Portal_Azmodan-43819
      [22:09:39.599 N] Interacting with object Boss_Portal_Azmodan-43819
      [22:09:40.791 N] Interacting with object Boss_Portal_Azmodan-43819
      [22:09:41.901 N] Interacting with object Boss_Portal_Azmodan-43819
    9. r0sc0

      r0sc0 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Not sure if this again is any help, but when using blue doors no issues, when it comes to orange doors issues.
    10. plzstoplooking

      plzstoplooking New Member

      Sep 10, 2012
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      the mini stutter/freeze isnt caused by trinity. its the random dungeon.
    11. kobru

      kobru New Member

      Aug 22, 2012
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      lots of stucks experienced since new release 246 after salvaging
    12. Gardettos

      Gardettos New Member

      Jun 11, 2012
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      Should be

      <ExploreArea  questId="1" boxTolerance="0.45" boxSize="20" until="ExitFound" exitNameHash="-1699330855" />
    13. babosasa

      babosasa New Member

      Jun 22, 2012
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      +1, and the bot keep afking trying to get into orange portal =(
    14. Polyester

      Polyester New Member

      Jun 18, 2012
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      damn i feel like a retard, i was just copying the tags from kicks questing profiles. thanks a lot
    15. imakii

      imakii New Member

      Jul 11, 2012
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      Anyone experiencing DB AI system slow? I mean it does judge and calculate but it significantly slower to execute commands/actions creating a delay before firing or using a skill
    16. Polyester

      Polyester New Member

      Jun 18, 2012
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      not really sure where to ask it so ill ask it here, how do you use a waypoint in a random dungeon if <UseWaypoint> requires x,y,z?
    17. imakii

      imakii New Member

      Jul 11, 2012
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      Will the bot have an update for checking tight spaces when battling AOE l? Coz i notice that when bot is doing a quest let say keeper depths wtver u call it and suddenly gets iceballs casted on its calculated supposably safe spot, it just look like moving in circles where hes standing..

      edit: pathing still needs tweaking, and whem changing hotbar skills live, bot doesnt react to new changes like u need to restart it first

      Last edited: Sep 25, 2012
    18. lungbig

      lungbig New Member

      Jul 6, 2012
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      246 so many afk......
    19. babosasa

      babosasa New Member

      Jun 22, 2012
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      Oh no, lots of stuck by obstacles with .246, the bot is not killing obstacle orange object and just afk there, fix it please
    20. sourcemaster

      sourcemaster New Member

      Dec 3, 2011
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      what seems to be the trouble with the Authentication failing on the updated demonbuddy?
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