I'm currently trying to run my BG buddy as a Pandaren Hunter (Horde side). But as soon as he decides to leave the cave (if he decides to leave) he runs an alliance path. He targets my allys and trys attacking them, he runs to galv, and dies to alliance. He doesnt even try to attack them. Whyyy panda whyyyy?!
My regular horde chases down and tries to attack all the horde pandas... the variety of crazy bugs stuffed into this bot is pretty impressive. well, I guess that's expected when the development strategy is "We'll let our paying customers beta-test this shit!"
ROFL gtfo of here with that attitude. They are hard at work and it shows since everytime I load the bot it seems it updates, they will get it resolved and this is to be expected with a new expac. If you dont like it then go with a different bot and get your accounts banned... simple as that
Well since at the time and date of your post it was a beta version of the bot, I don't see the problem with that strategy.