Hey, so i posted this thread cuz i'd love if someone made up a Customclass that only uses ice lance or such alike. Why? Atm im running the SWC- Ratchet, rep farming, profile and all the mobs shows up to be lvl 13 so. Everytime my mage approaches a mob it casts one frostbolt and its dead. Altho if my mage would just run around and spam icelance, fireblast (And ofc blink, managem, evo), Mirror images, Water ele. etc etc. I would save loads of time. As Frostbolt has about 2seconds casting time, i would probably be farming twice as fast or even better up! So.. If someone could be awesome enough to create such a CC i would love it, and btw, If you would. Make sure to make one for another class too if you can be arsed too Thanks! Im out! // Bamblaam
mephiles will have low level farming rotations, but its going to be a while till i can stick them in. if i recall correctly, i added options to choose your own pull spell, so check only Ice lance, and under universal rotation options check fireblast and change the finisher percent to 100% so it goes off every time its up, this should get the results your looking for.
More exactly where do i change what spell i want to use to pull with? I got a few ideas where it could be, altho to afraid to test it out
With what program do u open it with? As i dont got it selected as standard ( My computer asks for what program to open it with). And it's the Mephiles.csproj file we're talking about right?
when honorbuddy is running, theres a buttion thats going to say "Config Mephiles" thats all there is too it, dont go around editing files.