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  • Root name issue v2.5.6352.483

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by Death Panda, Sep 30, 2012.

    1. Death Panda

      Death Panda New Member

      Sep 5, 2012
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      Honorbuddy v2.5.6352.483 started.
      Logging in...
      Buddy Sessions: 0/0
      Shared Sessions: 1/3
      Attached to WoW with ID 6904
      New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy
      New bot added!: BGBuddy
      New bot added!: DungeonBuddy
      New bot added!: Gatherbuddy2
      New bot added!: Grind Bot
      New bot added!: Questing
      New bot added!: Mixed Mode
      New bot added!: PartyBot
      New bot added!: AutoAngler
      New bot added!: Combat Bot
      New bot added!: ProfessionBuddy
      Honorbuddy v2.5.6352.483 started!
      Character is a level 12 Pandaren Warrior
      Current zone is Stormwind City
      Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
      Initialization complete.
      Changing current profile to Empty Profile
      Starting the bot!
      Chose The Rage Against The Machine as your combat routine.
      AutoAngler[2.98]: Using Notched Shortsword of Power for mainhand weapon
      AutoAngler[2.98]: Using Sword of the Hozen for offhand weapon
      AutoAngler[2.98]: Checking for new version
      The settings file does not match the type that is being loaded! Root name is "GeneralSettings", expected "BeSettings".
      Parameter name: root
      Bot Stopped! Reason: User pressed the Stop button!
      AutoAngler[2.98]: No updates found
      Starting the bot!
      Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order!
      Bot Stopped! Reason: User pressed the Stop button!
      Changing current profile to [A - Quest] EK 12-58 [Kick]
      Starting the bot!
      Changing current profile to [A - Quest] EK 12-58 [Kick]
      The settings file does not match the type that is being loaded! Root name is "GeneralSettings", expected "BeSettings".
      Parameter name: root
      Bot Stopped! Reason: User pressed the Stop button!

      View attachment 3260 2012-09-30 13.22.zip
    2. Death Panda

      Death Panda New Member

      Sep 5, 2012
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      completely deleted the HB folder reinstalled it 2ce. 2nd time it stopped happening. Solved I guess, though it would be nice to know why.

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