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  • [Request] Legendary Scoring - filtering out the junk

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Jarrod, Oct 2, 2012.

    1. Jarrod

      Jarrod New Member

      Aug 31, 2012
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      Im loving the loot score filter, but since i mainly just stick up my auctions up as bids rather than trying to work out what each and every item is worth, my inventory slowly gets fuller and fuller until i start to find a balance with the loot score of what items to keep, which i use 76000/25000/25000, which i reduce slightly if i start to run out of items.

      The problem im having is as the loot score goes higher, the majority of my inventory is filled with worthless uniques. Although i know its hard to value uniques as they have unique attributes that make themselves valuable... is there any plans to set up a system to score uniques and get rid of the majority of the junk ones??

      Would it be possible to sort the uniques if you had a list of what each unique needs to be considered valuable or at the very least not complete junk? Let me know, i could start to try and compile a least of the common worthless uniques i keep finding in act 3 and try and work out if theres any stats that they could have that would make them worth selling.

      I'm aware(as i just read) there was a request to filter out the legendarys with item level, which i think is a great quick fix, but wouldn't mind something that scores them a bit better. I have had quite a lot of 60-62 ilevel's sell for next to nothing.

      Kind Regards
    2. Moley

      Moley New Member

      Jul 15, 2012
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      Next version will add an option to select which Legendary to pickup by Ilvl, to help alleviate this problem
    3. GilesSmith

      GilesSmith New Member

      Jun 2, 2012
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      Scoring legendaries is too unreliable because they have so many "special features" which simply aren't/can't be read by DB. So filtering by ilvl only will be the safest way.
    4. awww

      awww New Member

      Oct 4, 2012
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      you probably only get 4-5 legendary a day, so there's not really a need to sell the junk legendary. Or we can have a list of legendaries that we know for sure that it would be useless (like frostburn gauntlets) regardless of its stats. Then melt/vendor them appropriately.
      Filter by iLvl might not be a good idea because some great (and useless) legendary can be the same level.
      Last edited: Oct 4, 2012

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