Until a couple hours ago I was having massive problems with BGbuddy stopping after joining any BG. Once I switched to CLU I haven't seen that problem. It has been 5 games since the switch and not a single issue. Hope this helps someone else!
Has the CLU targetting issue been fixed, where my warrior would just follow the target and not start auto attack, he would only attack once auto attack began, ie if I right clicked on the target? Also, there was an issue with the feral druid, if the druid wasnt in cat form, GG no way it was switching into feral, it would just stand there and get raped by mobs/players.
I've only been running BGbuddy as a Frost Mage so unfortunately I can't answer for the other classes. I did not notice any targeting issues though for what its worth. I'll take some targeting issues over the bot stopping and getting me marked as AFK any day though.
I'm having this same issue where CLU won't start attacking if mounted. It looks especially bad since I'm on a hunter. Singular works super smooth but it keeps stopping... Idk what to do.
What BG?? STOA works with singular and clu but Alterac does not with both CC for me!? But I tried only Schaman and Arkan Mage
I haven't had any issues in Alterac myself. Singular bombs after joining every BG for me as a level 90 Frost Mage causing the bot to stop. CLU hasn't done that once since switching. It has been 7 games now.