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  • Very frustrated...

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by hbaioni, Oct 3, 2012.

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    1. hbaioni

      hbaioni New Member

      Oct 17, 2011
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      Well, something is definitely going on here. I've been frustrated for two months, and even though I gain nothing from posting here, I think there are a few points I'd like to clarify... I'm kinda tired of the usual excuses: (Even if something is true, it doesn?t mean it is a valid excuse).
      1) "MoP has just been released". TRUE. But HB hasn't worked well since patch 5.0.4, almost two months ago. (Plus all the time from BETA and PTR).
      2) "Making a bot takes time" or "Pandaria changed everything. It takes time to adjust the bot". TRUE AGAIN. But... how can other bots be working? I'm not going to say their names, since I'm not here to promote them, but there are a couple of paid bots and even a free one, that are currently working almost flawlessly with MoP. I don't want to buy them, just because I bought HB, and I don't like to pay twice for the same thing. But this little fact gives you something to think about...
      3) "Developers have lives" or "Kick is moving". TRUE. But any businessman put his business first. ALWAYS. First rule in commerce. If you fail to deliver, you'll lose your customers. And I think HB is losing many customers, which is very sad. While looking for other bots, I've seen their forums, and there are threads from old HB customers. "I USED TO BOT WITH HB, BUT NOT ANYMORE". "I QUIT HB AND BOUGHT THIS BOT". "SOOO GLAD THIS BOT WORK BETTER THAN HB"... and so on.
      4) ?We?re working so hard, and making updates every day?. TRUE. I download a new version (or sometimes even two) almost every day. But fellas? at the end of the day, the only thing that matters is the result. If you work hard, but you don?t achieve your goal, you won?t get paid. That?s how real life works. Effort matters very little when it accomplishes nothing. And the truth is, you haven?t been able to make the bot work as it used to.
      5) "Post your log". (TRUE???) Well... this single sentence deserves its own thread, but i will try to make it quick. If you don?t post your log, HB team will reply. ?POST YOU LOG?. Now? if you post your log, nothing will happen. Sometimes they don?t even reply. So, there?s no actual difference whether or not you post your log. The issue will not get solved?
      So, what?s the problem guys? It?s been two months since the release of patch 5.0.4, and you haven't published a stable version yet... All other bots have been updated. What do you need to motivate yourselves? Do you want a subscription? I will gladly pay for it. Do you want to charge us for the MoP version? I will gladly pay for that as well. But find a way to make HB work, otherwise you?ll lose, not just me, but a great part of your customer base. Some of them have already left.
      There are some friends who know I?m a botter and they want to start, but honestly, how can I recommend HB with its current status? Instead of having a forum section called: ?Success stories? you should create one called ?Failure stories?. Seriously guys, DO SOMETHING.
    2. noamchomsky

      noamchomsky New Member

      Mar 20, 2012
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    3. sheveron

      sheveron Member

      Aug 26, 2012
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      I'd rather pay monthly fee for working bot than have this...
      Already looking for a replacement. I'm tired to always watch if bot is screwed up somewhere in textures or hang in loop on quest and not going to progress.
    4. qztr

      qztr Active Member

      Mar 31, 2012
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      1) I've been botting everyday since 5.0.4 release. Sure, some issues but it has been working.
      2) If you aren't satisfied with being protected from Warden, go ahead and use another bot and wait for the banwave because of detection.
      3) So... Kick isn't allowed to move while he's creating profiles? Seems legit. Their lifes are more important for them than the bot. If not, something is seriously wrong.
      4) I bet you haven't coded anything in your life. When you fix one thing, another thing is getting messed up because of the thing you just fixed. Circle of life in coding.
      5) Only because they aren't repliying to the thread where you posted a log doesn't mean that they doesn't care about the issue. Now if they posted in every single thread that they'll check the log and such, there would be bitching topics about that. "Developers posting in the forum instead of updating the bot" and so on.

      TLDR: Go buy another/use a free bot if you want to get banned. Devs are working on the bot, and their real lives.

      Just my 2 cents.
    5. Senator Palpatine

      Senator Palpatine New Member

      Jul 16, 2012
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      ITT: People don't understand how this works and act like children.
    6. hbaioni

      hbaioni New Member

      Oct 17, 2011
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      Since there are some people who think i don't know what I'm talking about, I want to tell them I'm a leading developer at Oracle. It shouldn't matter, but since they're trying to make a new excuse "you're not a developer, you don't know how it works", I'm proving you guys wrong, once again. I work with code every single day of my life, and i know something for sure: My bosses don't care about excuses, If i fail to deliver, I'm dead. Just FYI.
    7. crazybeast69

      crazybeast69 New Member

      Oct 2, 2012
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      I agree also, just bought this bot 2 days ago and cant use it. What a waste of 25$
    8. seVen

      seVen New Member

      Jan 31, 2010
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      if you're so good with code Y U NO FIX CODE 2 MAKE BOT FLAWLESS? :)
    9. sheveron

      sheveron Member

      Aug 26, 2012
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      Its the same as to say "if you're so good with code Y U NO FIX CODE 2 MAKE MS WINDOWS FLAWLESS?"
      Got the point? Not our job. We are customers, not developers.
    10. Natfoth

      Natfoth Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      1) Honorbuddy has been working great for every single bot I have tried and all our testers have tried.

      2) All the other bots have such basic features that it doesn't matter if they were updated first or not. We had gathering and grinding done within 2 days of the pre-patch and the only reason it started acting up this week was because of unexpected main server failure and we switched to backups so you guys could still bot.

      3) Are you seriously saying that kick was not allowed to move? I just don't know how wrong that is. Also saying that the devs don't focus enough on the bot is entirely wrong. Most of us have been working 90 hours weeks getting everything stable and its at that point now

      4) There are only a few things left to fix, all of our goals have been met, if you are still having issues you need to be very detailed about it and give logs. While yes some things are still broken or need to be fixed there are thousands of bugs that have been fixed, systems rewritten, and api totally remade. I almost had to write the entire quest system all over again because of the pre-patch and I never see any other bots even have questing.

      5) as Qwee already said, I read every single log post and add it to my list. Just because I didn't respond to you doesn't mean I said i'm not going to fix it, and if you don't post your log report then why should I use my time to help when you cant even post it (Unless you didn't know, which is why we say) There is so much information I get out of a full log report that I do require.

      Also about your navigation issues I have posted about it quite a few times already with posts that are named the exact same. It was a server issue and the server is up now but is still having fixes done to it. If I went and told every post that all have the same issue I would just be copying and pasting all day and getting no work done.

      I am more then happy to help with ANY issue and I am always free to talk with on the IRC or PM. But threads like this advance the bot nowhere and just being frustrated does not help in any way. Give detailed information about whats wrong and post examples and logs and I will help.
      Last edited: Oct 3, 2012
    11. furyz0r

      furyz0r Member

      Dec 4, 2011
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      So there you go, there's nothing wrong with the code, it was a main server failure.
      I used GrindBot yesterday, and it worked without many issues, yet AutoAngler didn't work that great, because I'm not 90 yet, and I can't fly.
      But OP, what's not working for you?
    12. hbaioni

      hbaioni New Member

      Oct 17, 2011
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      Because... I don't work for Bossland :) Either way, I'm an Oracle Developer, as I stated before. And I said that just to make sure no-one makes a new excuse. In Oracle, we commercialize some of the most complex software in the world, entire companies manage their business using our databases, our business applications, our report tools... We have lots of teams working on different projects, so I know what I'm talking about. A team of people working together HAS TO BE ABLE TO FIX ANYTHING in a two-month period of time. But don't get me wrong, i'm not saying they're not capable... I'm saying that they're not enough and they don't put the needed amount of hours. I think some of them have other jobs besides this one... So, the business model is wrong. They should have 3 or 54 FULL TIME developers dedicated to the project. And here's the problem. Since this business model doesn't work with subscription or paid updates, they only get fresh money from new customers... thus, they can't afford to pay FULL TIME dedicated developers. That's why I suggested to change the current model for a subscription one. If that's what it takes to make the bot work, SO BE IT. But we can't continue like this...
    13. kiskamira

      kiskamira New Member

      Jan 25, 2012
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      This.. Since MoP was released, and even before, I have been using BGBuddy, Farming, Grinding, Fishing, Profession leveling, and instances with out problems 98% of the time. Sometimes getting the bot started is a little rough but once it is going I see no problems with it. So either everyone is doing it wrong, or are just being terrible children and complaining. Yeah, questing doesn't work, they've said that several times and are working on fixing it. Quest yourself, big deal. These guys have been doing a fantastic job trying to get things fixed and working. Saying they should put work above all else is ridiculous. Normal people go to their job for 8 hours then go home, sometimes put extra time in if they need, and these guys have been working hard to get it out but they should be allowed to have a life as well. Yeah we're customers, not slave drivers. If you don't like it then fine, go to one of the other bots that doesn't do nearly as much as this one does, enjoy yourself.

      P.S. Kick, until there are questing profiles that work absolutely flawlessly you better not move from your computer. In fact, don't even blink, that's too much wasted time.
    14. Natfoth

      Natfoth Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Questing should be working almost 100% of what it was before the pre-patch. I had to rewrite it all due to massive changes in blizzard code. Any issues that are there now where there before the pre-patch.
    15. LeprosyNachos

      LeprosyNachos Member

      Nov 8, 2011
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      To be perfectly honest Honorbuddy is a top of the line bot... Those free bots or even paid bots have less interface and less features. They provide a simple code and aren't as user friendly as HB. If you don't approve of the pace even though it is coming along nicely imo than take a vacation or try manual play till a feature is fully functional for use. I personally use LazyRaider and Grind Bot on a daily and have no problems what so ever. I just wished people would stop raging over progress.
    16. Michaelcain6

      Michaelcain6 New Member

      Feb 29, 2012
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      I've been botting non stop for an entire week, works flawlessly, now if there was only them profiles for 85-90! xD Jk, take your time kick :)
    17. Keanu

      Keanu Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Wtf, leading developer at Oracle? Just out of plain interest: What are you developing? Didn't you play with the though to develop your own bot routines?
    18. lallezor

      lallezor New Member

      Jul 31, 2012
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      I don't honestly get it where all this rant comes from. Grinding, questing, gathering and bgs works well for me. You must be doing something wrong.
    19. Silence

      Silence Member

      Dec 13, 2011
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      It seems YOU can't continue like this... which is fine. But don't include more people than just that.

      I'm in no rush and so far the product has always been top notch.

      The fact that this isn't a subscription based model means you sometimes have to wait a little longer... which is generally the case with quality.

      And please, don't talk to me about Oracle... just don't. I know it's your company and I'm sure you're proud of it, but there's no single company that IT administrators detest more save perhaps Apple.

      I'm forced to install a seperate citrix environment just to be able to present IE 6... why? Because Oracle doesn't support anything newer for the piece of software that's used. Reason given for no updates? It's still supported officially by MS, it doesn't matter that no living soul uses it anymore.

      Every company has its pro's and con's... Deal with it or don't.
    20. furyz0r

      furyz0r Member

      Dec 4, 2011
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      I don't know any other bot better then HB.
      I used Pirox for two years, fucking shit compared to HB.
      I had to configure skills and buttons and other shit, with HB, I just click start and whatever.
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