I've been doing some searching on the forums and in the various bot sections of the site trying to find a solution to this problem/question I have and have not found a reliable answer, so I decided to make this post in hopes of a more direct answer. Is there a bot/script/profile/something you can use as, more or less, as a 'follow me' bot? A bot whose sole purpose in life is to follow me and keep me alive, be it healing on a healer spec or killing what attacks me or assisting me in combat. I ask, because I do a lot of 'solo' raid farming and questing and have MANY characters. I know there are macros out there for multi-boxing that do what I'm asking, in a manner of speaking, but I'm looking for something a bit more complex, smarter, if you will.
I think that party bot will heal for you but as for the following you i have no idea if there is such a thing on HB but i do think this is a great idea
You should be able to use Lazy Raider, set it to follow the tank, and set your other toon as the tank. Thats what I used to do
i have been meaning to get this Lazy Rader i will check this out now, Would be a lot easier then multi boxing
Lazyraider is working decent outside dungeons, but in dungeons it just wont follow, i dont understand shit. Some1 know a plugin or whatever that can follow the tank and heal in dungeons? im beeing the tank and playing manually!
It took me a bit to get it to work, but not quite properly. I got it to follow, attack targets and when heal spec, it healed (not well, but it did the job) but during event bosses (SSC, TK, BT, etc) it would just stop following and attacking, claiming no valid targets. For the most part it does the job, but if theres something better out there, I'd love to hear about it.