So basically everytime I open honorbuddy, it either says one of two things... The first being, that my authentication failed which i can easily solve by spamming log in and it will eventually work The second being, it loads starts to load all of the bots/profiles and it minimizes down onto my taskbar. When i try to load it back up nothing happens. If anybody could help with this it would be great.
Yes it is fully loaded and working. I just cannot open it back up as it tabbed down when I first loaded it
Are you on a 32bit or 64bit OS? If 64bit, it's important you run all programs As Administrator regardless if they are 32bit or 64bit programs. The minimization that happens after profiles and bots load, I'm not sure what causes that. Also be sure you're running a 32bit WoW.exe. There are 2 ways you can do that. You can locate a WoW.exe in your world of warcraft folder. Do not use the WoW-64.exe client, use the WoW.exe. If you want to use the WoW Launcher, in the top left of the launcher play/start screen Go to Options, then Preferences. Change to DirectX9 and Tick the box for 32bit. If this doesn't solve any of your issues, It could either be something very simple and overlooked on your part or something that your computer does not like. Haha. Good luck. One more thing, if you're running any AV you should disable them as well. Bit Defender and Microsoft Sec Essentials doesn't like HB sometimes. Good luck.
Thanks for the tips, but I am already currently running it on 32 bit and also I am using directX9 while running wow. This is a very strange bug, I have made sure that all the basics settings are in place for the bot. But still the problem persists. Thanks for the help so far though.
It isn't i'm afraid, if i double click it goes into background programs. When i try to open it from there it just goes back onto my taskbar without being able to be open
Yes, I'll just keep re-installing it too see if that works i've tried it around 5 times now and each time I had a different error, they are all fixed now but this one persists