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  • Rewrite Dwarf 1-60 Questing

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by BPAlpha, May 30, 2010.

    1. jalzoo

      jalzoo New Member

      Feb 11, 2010
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      thanks m8 =)
    2. molson22

      molson22 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Just finished Wetlands. And let me start off by saying that I absolutely love this profile so far. You've put a lot of hard work into it and it definitely shows. So keep up the great work!

      Had a real tough time completing The Cursed Crew in Wetlands quest. Bot did not like trying to navigate the ship where the undead were. Kept on getting stuck in certain areas. So I finally just took control and killed the mobs myself and restarted the bot afterwards. It probably would have eventually completed it, but it would have taken a long time.

      This is more of an afterthought, but in Wetlands there were a couple quests that involved killing gnolls. Problem is gnolls tend to be in camps. So when the bot pulled one gnoll he ended up pulling 3, 4 or even 5 and then wiping. And once it wiped once it had a difficult time finding a safe spot to rez. Not sure what to do about that, but just pointing it out. The only possible remedy that might help is blacklisting the caster gnolls.

      One more. I can't remember the name of the quest, but it's the one where you had to retrieve the head of the leader of the dragonmaw clan. This special npc is located in a camp surrounded by 4 or 5 other mobs. For some reason the bot just went straight ahead and pulled the boss right away, thus aggroing 3-4 additional mobs. He easily would have died, but since I was watching at the time, I quickly killed the boss, grabbed the loot, bubbled and ran out. While characters wouldn't necessarily get stuck here, the bot may die 2 or 3 times before finally clearing the small camp and getting to loot. Just a minor hang-up and not something I really know how to address either.

      My .02 and now I'm off to Arathi
    3. BPAlpha

      BPAlpha New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I understand what you are saying about this quest and i can remember doing this 1 but on my experience of not botting you look more real dying a few time than just doing quest and away you go so its up to every1 if you want this quest blacklisting i can do this :)
    4. kermz

      kermz New Member

      Jun 12, 2010
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      How does this work exactly ?

      Hi i downloaded the "Rewrite Dwarf 1-60 Questing"
      its the first time im using the program, but everything seems to work as intended untill i load this profile
      and start it

      what i did was i created a dwarf priest and at lvl 1 entered the game, after that i loaded this profile and it began to run to a few spots and killed the first mob, after that i ran to another spot and it tried to kill a mob but it keps saying "Your target need to be in front of you" and it is on the screen.. if i click the smite button my self it says the same.
      But if i stop the script and move my char a bit and click on smite it has no problems.

      also, is this script suppose to take the quests automaticly or should i take quests my self and turn on the bot ? ... i dont really get it :p

      thanks in advance
    5. BPAlpha

      BPAlpha New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      the problem u have seems to be a cc problem m8 nothing to do with this profile... try downloading a new cc and follow instructions on how to install cc.. but yes it should use quests just makesure u have new beta 3 version and not 1.9.5 stable version otherwise will not work
    6. kermz

      kermz New Member

      Jun 12, 2010
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      Ahh ok, thanks alot for the quick reply.... i im currently running the stable release so ill try the beta :)
    7. sowbener

      sowbener New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      goes on lvl 9 to dun morogh this is hurts too much for a cloth wearer.
    8. wraithrider

      wraithrider New Member

      May 23, 2010
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      I say blacklist the quests he mentioned he had p roblems with because I had the same thing, I had to actually stop the bot a few times and do the quests manually, there's also a quest chain that should be black listed because the bot doesn't know how to get to the spot, it's the quest you pick up in the camp right before you head into arathi basin I wish I could remember the chain, but what it does is takes you down into the water and bugs out because the actually quest needs to be completed inside the bridge post where a bunch of dark iron dwarfs are. I will try to look up the quest chain to help out more so it can either be fixed with hotspots or what ever or black listed because this hoses up the questing.
    9. BPAlpha

      BPAlpha New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      if you can find out which quest line it is i will black list :)
    10. wraithrider

      wraithrider New Member

      May 23, 2010
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      I have also noticed now that I am 30 im in arathi and all I have done so far is pick up quests then have been doing nothing but grinding for 3levels, why isn't it doin any quests in arathi
    11. BPAlpha

      BPAlpha New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      there are quests that can be done in arathi... cant understand why its not doing them... try restarting HB and reload profile then see how that goes
    12. wraithrider

      wraithrider New Member

      May 23, 2010
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      I did this multipule times, I had to go to hillbrads manually and reload the profile using 1.9.1 before it would start questing. Another issue I have seen not sure if it's the bot or if it's the profile, but it doesn't complete all the quests in an area before moving on, like I picked up a bunch of quests in hillsbrad and once I reached a certain level it left that zone and went to a new zone leaving quests half finished and didn't turn in the ones that were completed.
    13. BPAlpha

      BPAlpha New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      yeh this is the profile.. once you reach max level it moves to next zone.. if you open profile and just edit maxlevel in profile it will move back and complete quests!!
    14. LuckyZippo

      LuckyZippo New Member

      Jun 7, 2010
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      Yeah, i just started a new pal 2 days ago, played time is 1 day 8 hours, and well, for lvl 1-12 all was fine, then he entered the loch area, and there he stared flippin out. when he got a quest, he went out for the quest items, but he didnt killed the lvl 13 mobs for the items, he ran straight to the lvl 18 version of the mob, and ofc he got killed, like 40 times before i recognized.

      i did it quick by hand, then restarted HB and let him go on, now he pinged 18 and i dunno, but i got the feeling the bot has fallen in love with boars. because hes just chasing them as if theire free cookies. i tried restarting HB, but it didnt help, he ignores all quests he got, even thou 2 of them are finished, and goes for the lvl 17-19 boars. kinda .... weird.

      i hope he somehow changes his mind, because grinding on boars isnt the most effective way to level up lol.
      so far, nice profile, even thou it likes boars.

      greets, Lucky
    15. wraithrider

      wraithrider New Member

      May 23, 2010
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      Cool I will remember this for when I use it again for a certain area.
    16. sowbener

      sowbener New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      the loch part is too hard its pulling bigs groups for quests
    17. kreterktd

      kreterktd New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I'm a level ten dwarf, it went to lock modan (like it should) it did ge caught on the stairs but i got that fixed. but one the quest where you kill the bears for the meat it would get stuck and try to kill the 17 level bears, instead of the lower level 10's and such
    18. wraithrider

      wraithrider New Member

      May 23, 2010
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      Im not sure how to fix this error as the profile is missing hotspots

      [SIZE=1]No suitable hotspots in Featherbeard's Hovel.
      No hotspots have been defined!
      Activity: Moving to complete quest objectives for quest Solution to Doom.
      No suitable hotspots in Featherbeard's Hovel.
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    19. jazerix

      jazerix New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      wath lvl do the bot do the first Quest ??? im lvl 4 mage and it have done no quest
    20. mandunga

      mandunga New Member

      Jan 30, 2010
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      How change the quest to my toon?


      It?s posible donwload the level of the quest to my toon? and how?

      Now i?m boot a level 32 and ever go to quest very high (36+) and ever dead, dead ..

      Can you tell me how edit this profile for example:

      <Name>South Arathi Highland</Name>
      <Factions>22 45 48</Factions>

      Thanks at all

      Nice work!!!!
      Last edited: Jun 23, 2010

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