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    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Rawthorne, Jun 23, 2010.

    1. Rawthorne

      Rawthorne New Member

      Jun 23, 2010
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      Hey guys!

      First off, great community from what I've seen so far.
      At first, I was planning to add a single bot for my own gold-making purposes.
      I am rather cheap so I wouldn't spend money on buying gold myself. (Unless it could be considered an investment.)

      I started reading on the boards. While taking notes on what to think about while doing this.
      For the fun of it I started looking around in my own country on regular sites selling stuff if they had any farmers present.
      Found one that sold for about $3/k.

      I then added that to the numbers of how much gold one guy here made from a single farmer in one month.
      Added the $3/k and the total landed at about $500/month. That would be the good case scenario if you actually managed to get buyers rather than selling the gold to a site.

      Being in love with numbers I started to add upp what a GB Lifetime could do each month.
      And then I realized that a computer able to run 3 x 3 instances of WoW would've been about $300 each.
      I got this shelf on the wall which hasn't been used for anything for months since I got it up. I could fit four of these low-budget farmable machines up there. And it would actually spice the damn thing up at the same time.

      Anyhow, the following math would be:
      6 farmers for each computer, 4 computers and a total of 24 very (when added up with the monthly fee) expensive drones. Atleast, that ~$4000 was what I thought about at first.
      Till I started adding up the numbers again.

      24 x 500 = 12000. That got me interested. But I knew that was in the best possible scenario of actually selling the gold at extremely high rates. And I knew that some bots would get banned, thereby lowering the total earnings. And I would have to work quite a lot to sell it all though private contacts. The gold sites offer about half that amount (depending on their stash) But $6000 still sounds like a good deal.

      And this is my plan. I do have the means for it.
      I will start out with a single bot. And then put a lot of effort into making it fully customized for a lot of reasons, safety reasons mostly. Another is to learn how to maximize gold earned per hour. And get an overall feel of how much actual work that has to be put into this. (And I will probably get banned at first since I haven't botted since the early stages of Glider.)

      And this, will be the thread in which I show how I'll try to make this possible. :cool:

      The 24-farmer-setup. Step-by-step with pictures and videos.

      - Raw
    2. ski

      ski Well-Known Member

      Feb 12, 2010
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      You should see the guy doing 800 accounts :p
    3. Rawthorne

      Rawthorne New Member

      Jun 23, 2010
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      Haha, for real? I really should see that, yes :D

      Any links you could share mayhap?
    4. lindstedt56

      lindstedt56 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Trust me its a lot harder to make money on gold these days. Bans have been up lately along with the bad gold prices this is a bad time for botting. Sure some sites sell gold for 3/k but they have a customer base and if you know how the chineese sell gold its like this. Most sites usually dont keep gold in stock. Once someone orders they contact one of there friend over msn and buy the gold from them for 2 dollars and sell it for 3. The sites that do have gold like (gameusd.com) sell gold for 2.25 to 2.50 per k which is shockingly low. Its hard to get private buyers these days, but still possible. Resellers will pay like 1 us dollar per thousand now its bad

      With the current ban rates, costs of keys/electricity/monthly time its hardly worth doing that anymore but I do make some money each month but no where near what it was 4 years ago.
    5. Zher0

      Zher0 Member

      May 10, 2010
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      Wow, do you got a link to a pic or something i would like to see that!
    6. Rawthorne

      Rawthorne New Member

      Jun 23, 2010
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      Thanks for the heads up!

      You can get keys fairly cheap. And the electricity is included in my rent.
      I did all the "worst-case scenarios" about the pricing per 1g. Even then the added money was worth it.
      The amount of people playing this in my city game is immense too. I bet I could pick up clients on the bus around town, seriously :)

      I'll give it a try - slowly building it all step-by-step. If I do fail (which is always a long long stretch for me since I tend to never give up) I'll use the computers for some folding@home instead I guess..
    7. jawn

      jawn Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      ok ski quit braggin about your setup :p
    8. theholyone

      theholyone New Member

      Jan 30, 2010
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      good luck starting with one bot... took me a shit long time like half a year just to get to where i am today and i still havent broken even ( 80 bucks short lol ) i'm done with gold selling and the constant shit bans i get from selling gold to company's but best of wishes to you
    9. geoffrules

      geoffrules New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      dont mean to rain on your parade, but I think you should run your numbers again. If you work on say 3k gold per day, and 1.5 per k, your making $4.5 per day, or $135 per account, per month. now to look at the costs of bans. and account is about $110 for wow,tbc.wotlk, gamecard. If you make 200k before the account is banned thats a profit of 190 per account.
      given the rate of 3k per day, thats 2 months of farming, plus say 3 weeks of levelling. call it 3 months per account. profit of 190/3 months is now 65 per account, per month.
      if you had 24 accounts, that would be a income of 1560 per month.
      now I would say to run a 24 bot farm you would need a minimum of 5 hours a day, 7 days a week so 150 hours a month. thats $10 per hour.
      now given that a banwave will knock 24*110 or $2600 worth of accounts out, it would take 2 months to recover your loss.
      Feel free to have a think of the numbers, but is it really worth it?
    10. Rawthorne

      Rawthorne New Member

      Jun 23, 2010
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      Sure, it isnt risk free. It could probably be a complete waste too. If I go down with a banwave, along with the 3-4 computers, 1 screen, 1 KVM, 1 router (yada yada, etc etc..) that I would have invested in..
      But then again. While we're on the subject of things that might happen:

      - China might have another earthquake.
      - I manage to get a proper 24-bot setup going. Knowing what I'm doing (with the software). Get all my gold sold with ease and everything going generally well.. By that time Cata will be around the corner, and we all know what expansions do to prices on materials..
      - I manage to tap into guilds of the geeks I know (the ones who live for the game), have them spread the word about a good way to buy gold with a simple local phone-call. Upping rates for me, making it safer for them.

      ..and so forth.
      With every investment there's a risk-factor. I usually just tip all the excess money I usually have into stocks. With proper knowledge that generates steady growth (extreme factors aside).
      Now, every once in a while something might happen that either make the stock drop near zero or shoot like a rocket.
      The first scenario is where you weep for a while, eat nothing but beans for a month, start praying and eventually.. ride it out until they get back up.
      The second scenario is where they shoot 100% or more in just a week. And you did buy that stock on a hunch. A hunch built through knowing the market and the company.

      That is the moment you waited for. It rarely happens. But it does happen. (Check AMD)

      This is a hunch.

      And I do appreciate the "concern" though. And you actually provided some viable information I did ignore (or just skipped getting into).
      It is a work in progress. Right now I'm just kinda getting the feel for it, waiting for that opportune moment that might strike.
      When that happens I'll go from 2-3 bots to 24 as fast as possible, probably through buying 24 accounts containing level 80's at once.
      Or I might just go: - "Meh!" and pick up curling.
      Last edited: Jun 28, 2010
    11. Bioern

      Bioern Member

      May 2, 2010
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      But your numbers also aren't correct.
      5k per 10 hours is possible 8sure depending on servers ah) so with 1.5$ per 1k it is 7.5$/day so he can earn 195$ per account per month if we assume that we have 4 maintenances a month and he doesn't do anything on these days.
      An account doesn't cost $ 110 you buy the keys in ebay...One account (classic+TBC+WOTLK) + 2 months gametime costs about 50€ here (thats around 62$ in todays rates. So he only needs to farm 41333 Gold until he has farmed enough to not have a loss if he gets banned (and he has 3 months before he has to buy his next gametime)
      Given my rate of 5k/day and your 3 weeks of leveling (I would assume 4 weeks but could be possible faster I think) he needs 1 month and 2 days to get to the point where the gains equal his costs. So if he can farm the rest of his time (~60 days - maintenance = 52 days) he will make about 390$/3 monts.
      So his total profit is 130$/month if we assume that the account gets banned after 3 months. if he had 24 accounts that would be 3120$/month (and if he doesn't run 24hrs/day I don't think he will get abnned at that time...don't do 24/7...it will get you banned really fast)
      Now..if a banwave hits all of his accounts it is 24*60=1440$, which is what he earns in a half month.
    12. tschlaef

      tschlaef New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      i lol'd.

      we can only hope
    13. Rawthorne

      Rawthorne New Member

      Jun 23, 2010
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      So far there's not a chance I'll be using HB for leveling 24 toons though. They scream bot in every way and requires too much monitoring.
      So add about 80? x24 for the accounts needed.

      And you can run 24 hours a day.
      4 computers, 6 accounts running on each one covering 4 realms and a total of 8 factions.
      But it requires each account to have two level 80's able to farm and then use a switch every 12 hours.
      To be even safer, two additional computers could be added to switch every 8 hours.

      And, if you got market for it and still have some time to spare. Clone the 6 computers and have your landlord cut the electricity and the police showing up looking for torrent-servers.
      Eventually your girlfriend would ditch you and you end up just as lonely as a 14 y.o raiding the original Naxxramas.

      OR.. move all of it to China and un-wish that earthquake.
      But I'm getting slightly off-topic here I guess..
    14. Bioern

      Bioern Member

      May 2, 2010
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      I don't think that Blizzard is that stupid and lets theiralgotithms count what toons do instead of what the account does...Blizz is counting the gathered nodes/day and things like that
    15. jawn

      jawn Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      ya know i had a long post in response to this...but i'll just say this.. good look to the guy that wants to attempt this.. and no matter what some of these idiots say they *know* about how blizzard does their tracking and what not, just ignore them all and do what YOU want to do. After all its YOUR time and money not theirs. Wish you the best of luck.

      Ok.. time to go hide back in my hole.. after all Blizzard doesn't care about my accounts, they are tracking how much I type each day and such *wink*
    16. Flyryan

      Flyryan New Member

      May 11, 2010
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      If you get a 72 hour ban, sell the account. Trust me.
    17. theholyone

      theholyone New Member

      Jan 30, 2010
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      EDIT: forget everything i just said

      i just hope your plan doesn't work out.
      Last edited: Jun 30, 2010
    18. Deathsenemy

      Deathsenemy New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      2 years ago, I would have said hell yeah, go for it. Its nooooooooooo Were near worth it now. Trust me. Selling gold is nowhere as easy as it use to be. Plus, I seem to get more bans from selling gold then botting. They seem to follow the seller, which in turn, catches everything. Save the money.
    19. Lt.Leon

      Lt.Leon New Member

      May 19, 2010
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      Still waiting for that link....

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