Hidden's Zul'Drak - 74-78 After getting annoyed at noobs farming the spiders 24/7 on my server I decided to take advantage of the clearing beside them. This profile will path around the Pools of Zha'Jin killing Disturbed Souls & Lost Spirit's. *!Warning!* - There is a risk of agro. You may end up with 2 mobs on some pulls. - This is a very small profile and you will not move far, this may seem bot like but you will constantly be fighting mobs. - The protected Item list is a simple dump from another profile, you may need to add certain items in. Pro's! - Been testing with a 74 Shadow priest who was sitting comfortably on 140k/h with no CC (Testing LOS issues) (now 77) - Extremely close to Mail/Repair/Graveyard so downtime is limited. - Fast respawns - So far.... No people EDIT: Made change to profile so players at level 73 may try this profile.
Left it on for the night: Exp/H: 184572 Kills: 1380 /H155 Deaths: 5 Pretty damn good; this was on a lvl 75 feral Druid with Hierlooms and some old Kara gear. Thanks Mate
I ran this profile from 74-79 in 2 days. I got 4712 kills, 0 deaths and alot of Frost cloth This is one of the best, if not the best profiles I used. I did this on my fury warrior with BoA items, I got arround 210k xp/hour. Thanks alot! +rep!
Very similar to daydreamer. Just started running this, levelled once so far. Getting 225k xp per hour as fury with boa shoulders, chest, and two bloodied arcanites. Can't wait to get to 80 fairly quickly xD
Good spot, I used it in my own mini profile, own hotspots. prob best spot I have used out of any at any level so far.
It took me a while to set this up because the sub profile is 75-80. While the HBProfile tags say 73-79. I got it and will update in the morning.
EXP/H was about 200k, and I had no deaths. Got over a full level during sleep. I'm already high enough to get a new profile.
Hey just wanted you to know i've been trying this on my 74 DK (which is now 75) im getting 224k exp/h and sitting at 245 kills with 7 deaths due to not using abilities to the fullest... (if he would only use Death pact and raise dead when they are on CD than he would be golden) +rep my friend good job!
Level 73 Priest running at 145k/h - not too bad since my gear really sucks The spot itself is just damn sexy, although the pathing back to the Argent Stand is pretty hard since it sometimes crosses the field with the massive amounts of undeads. Anyways, thanks alot for this!
Edit - Wrong profile, only issue is it will sometimes get stuck on logs(in water), but hasnt drowned itself yet. Running great so far PS. Other than that the profile is epic ^_^ No epics, but have gotten a couple blues, and loads of meat, and greys usually vendor for about 60g when i empty the bags Make sure you have the Nesingwary Quests for Rhinos, Dreadsabers and the Greathunt, later on Croks.
Awesome profile. Absolutely love it. Never run out of mobs, making great gold, tons of greens for my main to DE, etc...