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  • How to set up BGbuddy and Questing profiles!! - Please help!

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by toshko321, Oct 11, 2012.

    1. toshko321

      toshko321 New Member

      Oct 10, 2012
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      I am using mainly the BGbuddy and questing profiles. When I am inside a BG my character mounts up and runs around and does his stuff but he doesn't always auto attack the nearest target... Like if I see my teammate fighting, he won't automatically attack that target... What are the best settings for this profile! I'm a lvl 33 monk.

      And when I was questing in Southern barrens, there was a certain quest that required me to loot something from some boxes, but it kept bugging out and never looted it, it kept saying this item is already in use... And that basically repeated forever until I stopped it.... I want to find a stable questing profile so that no problems like that arise...

      Any advice would be great. I am new to this honorbuddy thing so please help me out! Thank you very much.
    2. YiZZo17

      YiZZo17 New Member

      Apr 27, 2012
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      Hi toshko since you are new I will let you know some stuff you can do to get better support here are these forums.

      The Support Issues sub-forum is a great place to get the answers that you are looking for and your threads will have more visibility there concerning problems. Moderators, HB developers and forum members chime in there all the time to lend their support.

      Second, because everybody's settings and setups are totally different there is no way just from your comments alone that the moderators or HB developers can diagnose and troubleshoot your problem. Most of the time with extra information from your log file they can get a better understanding on what the problem is help you very quickly. Check out this guide for how to post your logs,[Guide] How to attach your log [Kick].

      I hope these simple recommendations will help you get the answers you are looking for. And I am sorry if I didn't provide you with direct answers to your issue.
    3. toshko321

      toshko321 New Member

      Oct 10, 2012
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      How do i know which Log to post.... there is so much code in there that i dont know what to look for. I know what my issues are but i dont know where to find them so i can show the moderators all my problems... this is very confusing.

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