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  • Questing profile - buggy at times

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by toshko321, Oct 11, 2012.

    1. toshko321

      toshko321 New Member

      Oct 10, 2012
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      I am a lvl 38 horde panda monk and my character cannot do certain things for certain quests.. For example I had to go underwater and loot something but it says object is busy and stuff like that every time so I end up dying for like two hours straight. There was another instance like this in southern barrens where I could not get certain items for quests because it says item is busy or something like that... This is a big problem because when I leave my computer running for a long time, it just stops on that one quests and loops the same thing every time...
      I am using the questing profile that i downloaded from this site... It has the most downloads of all.

      I am also having some issues with the BGbuddy profile when I am inside of a bg and my character does not always attack the nearest enemy.. Sometimes he will just run by things and avoid them, or even just sit there...

      I need some help configuring these things do that they don't bug like that and make stupid mistakes. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
    2. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      the "Object is busy" isnt something we can fix, blizzard did release a wow patch to hopefully fix that issue. all quest issues need to be reported in the thread you got the profile from. so please take a moment and let the profile developer know somethings up so they can help you.

      BGbuddy isnt set to go after the nearest target all the time, difference Combat Routines have different ways they deal with it as well as the bot itself doing things like prioritising flag carriers, objectives, healers and so on. BGbuddy is currently getting a round of improvements so over the next month or so im sure you'll see a bigger improvement on that front.

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