1. sometimes when bot leaves dungeon my WoW gets bugged, so it looks like I'm still in group and still in dungeon finder (out of dungeon), however in real I'm without any group and not queued and standing in the city (some kind of visual bug where WoW tells bot that I'm still in grp and in dung, HB keeps loading profile for that dung and just standing in city), so I have to manually queue (there's join as party button, not join queue) 2. he sometimes just walks towards mob that is left behind, kills it and then says "waiting for 2dps/healer to come closer" or something like that, even when they are in front of me waiting for me to come, I had to stop the bot, walk near them and then start it again uploaded log somewhere else since I can't upload it here since its larger than 1000kb Download 18084 2012-10-13 13.03.txt from Sendspace.com - send big files the easy way
I have no idea, I think that I was using it with questing, I downloaded fresh HB and just imported plugins from kick's svn edit: also which plugins should I disable when running dungs?
getting that first bug again and again, also he is screwing up himself when he dies, example: I died, he was waiting for ressurection, he got ressurected by player, he was spamming that he is waiting until ress CD fades off (10 sec), after that he did nothing and I had accept/decline ressurect and release spirit at once