some times i can get it to run for about and hour.... but then it stops and does the weird strife. if i try to move it with the mouse it does some unstuck stuff. not only that but it skips like 70% or nodes
you are confused this is not a community this is a company with a paid product and customers when Glider went to court it turned out they made MILLIONS of dollars US. Bosslands is making $100,000s at least. The least we can expect is some MINIMAL level of respect for their customers, I'm not talking about Amazon or Apple level of support. just the minimum, like an update on their freaking servers being down instead of Tony copy/pasting "post log" on all the less important threads while actively ignoring the "FUCKING BOT DOESNT WORK WHATS GOING ON" posts
Starl1te is a bit extremely but he has the right point. The customer service for the last 7-8 weeks has been atrocious. It's almost as if they're expecting to be shut down and decided fuck it. Either that or they made a HUGE blunder in not doing monthly fees and its made it too expensive to upkeep. But seriously this bot hasn't been afkable this entire xpac. There are A LOT of people who planned to use this bot to sell gold and make some money when the xpac hit, but that wasn't possible due to the terrible update times. We've already basically missed that window and the bot STILL doesn't work. I've went from your biggest supporter to searching for other options for all games over the last few months.
I never said your point was invalid. I just clearly said if you cant do the job yourself, then don't complain its not being done to your expectations.
hope they fix :\ coz i cant bot...i need to farm 500k gold fast and my char start to gather and after 10 min block....dont moove some mod-dev answer?
Having the same issues and no Tony, I'm not gonna waste my time uploading a log. Seems really obvious this is happening to everyone... if you want a log at least give a proper reason
Trying out the .net4.0 fix, will remove hb > install net4.0 > restart pc > re-install hb and try it out. Will keep updated if this resolves the issue.
Logs galore! - Enjoy 2 Different characters - Same problem. However, the warlock decides to go afk on his mount, whilst sitting on the ground. The rogue on the other hand, goes afk on his mount, whilst flying in the air. They will both only collect 1 - 3 nodes before they go on strike. Please fix this.
Tried out the .net4.0 FIX! And it worked! Got it running again. You can get it by installing it trough your OS update or just google it.