At first my antivirus thought that HB was a virus? (its ok now) then This application has encountered a critical error: (not ok) ERROR #132 (0x85100084) Fatal Exception Program: C:\Users\Public\Games\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe Exception: 0xC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION) at 001B:015FFE40 The instruction at "0x015FFE40" referenced memory at "0x015FFE40". The memory could not be "written". WoWBuild: 12213 Realm: Firetree [] Local Zone: Sen'jin Village, Durotar Local Player: Donzert, 0100000003D86280, (-878.991,-4993.49,12.6867) Add Ons: SET locale "enUS" SET realmList "" SET portal "us" SET patchlist "" SET accounttype "RT" SET realmName "Firetree" From my Logs: ] Spell book built [7:45:40 AM:183] Exception in DoString: Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired. StackTrace: at EndScene.ExecutorRand.Execute() at Styx.Lua.DoString(String lua, String luaFile, UInt32 pState) [7:45:40 AM:370] Could not construct instance of Rogue! Exception was thrown. Exception: [7:45:40 AM:370] ReadInt at 0xBD078A failed. [7:45:40 AM:604] Could not construct instance of Shaman! Exception was thrown. Exception: [7:45:40 AM:604] ReadInt at 0xBD078A failed. [7:45:40 AM:792] Could not construct instance of Warrior! Exception was thrown. Exception: [7:45:40 AM:792] ReadUInt at 0x2812F110 failed. [7:45:40 AM:870] Wow exited, Honorbudddy stopped! (Wow exited because of the critical error it had) (at the time of this log part I was had removed any old cc, plugins, and meshes) (this is my trial acc I was talking about before) HonorBuddy version 1.94
Attach logs via attachments in future, it makes it so much more cleaner and easier to follow. Also, what version are you trying to use?
Alright guys i was using version 1.94. I won't be responding to this thread until at least tuesday,im going on vacation!