Hello, sorry to be another cry for help but some help will be reallllyyyy appreciated. I've been using Honorbuddy since cata and have had next to no problems (The usual minors ones.) but this one has stumped me. The issue itself is weird; honorbuddy in the 'log' section gets to Remoting server started and then doesn't work, sometimes it does maybe 1 in 20 times of reopening. This is what I have tried so far: - Fresh re-install of honor buddy, started working got me from lvl 11-12 and stopped. - Used this nifty program (http://www.thebuddyforum.com/releases/68254-problems-new-install-buddy-product.html)) to check my net4 and c++ both installed and working. - Using Kicks trunk horde 12-58 lvl profile (tried others, but he's the best.) - Removed all plugins other than whats in the honobuddy zip and no cc's or quest behaviours added either. - The questing bot is where the issue presented but actually the issue is across the board tried: grind, BG and dungeon buddy. Thank you in advance if you care to help me p.s used all the basic guides, its running in 32bit client, running of dx9 and in windowed mode.
okay so weird issue with this one, right after this I tried it again, just fiddling around. what i found was it seems at the moment for the profile to start or do anything, I have to 1st summon my void walker or nothing happens. leaving this post open as obviously if my warlock dies so does the void walker meaning once revived my character just stands there again until I manually summon void walker, is it a cc issue? Any help again very much appreciated