Yes, like ten times on the previous pages. ;-) However, its not your fault, its shared between my profile and the bot. The first quest in Kun-Lai is actually the quest in in Valley of the Four winds which leads us up to Kun-Lai. However, if you start the profile in Kun-Lai, the bot tries to run there and he is obviously not competent enough to use the shortest way available... I wrapped the first few quests in a If-Condition to check if the toon is already standing in Kun-Lai. Please update via SVN.
Kun Lai does not work at all for me, it probably managed to pick up and finish 1-2 out of 20 quests, the rest he just gets stuck everywhere and it tries to pick up quests that's either finished or already picked up. This happens at every single spot with quests that I've tried it on. What can be done about this?
"[LoadProfile-v241(info) @line 321]: Loading profile '[H - Quest] 86-87 Karasong Wilds [NiV].xml' Changing current profile to [H - Quest] 86-87 Karasong Wilds [NiV] [Profile Message]: Horde Only! Moving to Type: QuestPickUp Moving to Type: QuestPickUp Moving to Type: QuestPickUp" View attachment 118536 2012-10-18 23.16.txt Level 89 DK running on Singular. Bot keeps spamming the quest giver.
Same issue here. I had to give up of the profile as it doesn't handle the quest pick-up very well at 87-88 profiles, did my lvling by hand using combat-bot. Picking-up and delivering quests seems to be the major problem for HB right now since Blizzard changed a lot inside the game on this specific mechanic.
I went to try the four winds profile and this is what I get in log. I read thru the thread and i'm not sure if this is the same problem I keep reading others had or not No data for HawaiiMainLand_28_32.etm No data for HawaiiMainLand_28_32.etm No data for HawaiiMainLand_28_32.etm No data for HawaiiMainLand_28_32.etm System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted. at ?..GetTile(TileIdentifier ) at Tripper.Navigation.WowNavigator.LoadTile(TileIdentifier wowTile) at Tripper.Navigation.WowNavigator.FindPath(Vector3 start, Vector3 end) at Styx.Pathing.MeshNavigator.CanNavigateFully(WoWPoint from, WoWPoint to, Int32 maxHops) at Styx.Pathing.Navigator.CanNavigateFully(WoWPoint from, WoWPoint to, Int32 maxHops) at Styx.Pathing.Navigator.CanNavigateFully(WoWPoint from, WoWPoint to) at Styx.CommonBot.Database.NpcQueries.GetNearestNpc(WoWFactionTemplate myFaction, UInt32 mapId, WoWPoint searchLocation, UnitNPCFlags npcFlags) at Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.VendorManager.GetClosestVendor(VendorType type)
Please post in the correct section of the forums. And somebody will answer you when they have a moment ----> Support Issues Also please provide a log for your issue This is a bot issue. NOT a profile issue
ok but 10 min. later next prob inc. it will pick up one quest but it has done that allready. if i abort and its pick up one more it will do the same sry but im getting tired to run your profile. sry if its an Bot problem but other profiles dont have such more problems like yours. View attachment 4920 2012-10-18 21.53.txt
[Profile Message]: Horde Only! Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 56115 in database. Bot Stopped! Reason: Could not create current in quest bot! Valley of 4 winds.
Thank you for this profile! Worked okay for me tho it required some babysitting but it didnt really matter as I did other work on my computer at the same time Just alt-tabbed in to check on it every 10min or so. When will 88-90 be available? Looking forward to it! Allies have it but not for horde yet ;(
Hey, just an FYI, the bot has major pathing problems around eastwind rest in Kun Lai. It simply can not navigate around the tents there (or any tent around the new map). I know this is a meshing issue, but is it possible to add manual hotspots whenever it goes to turn in/accept quests from that area?
Hello! Very nice profile! I just have 2 issues so far, in Jade forest he forgots to slain 2 mobs and just stand there and trying to turn in the quest, same thing happend in valley of the four winds, Is this happening to everyone or just me? Regards EDIT: the quest " Taking a Crop " hes just swimming to an location and then back.
Bot keeps spamming Xiao to pick up a quest but he dont have 1 so it just keeps spamming him. In WOTFW