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  • The servers being not usable the last few weeks / months statement

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bossland, Oct 20, 2012.

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    1. bossland

      bossland Administrator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      furyz0r, i must not be liked. What i said, was to be thought twice about, and intentional.

      Someone should have started thinking, that it might be wrong to flood the forum with threads about the Auth having issues, and keeping it in one thread. Did not work out.

      Problems just appear, they do not wait for an invitation, and its hard to fix them on weekends. Our team is spread over 4 continents and different timezones.

      What you now see, is due to the lack of other competitive bots and the increase of new botters joining HB with Mists of Pandaria. We where not prepared for it, and that is not because of the server hardware we use, but because of the lack of qualified network engineers, Apoc is the only one that can be counted. And that is just not enough atm.

      About the court - we will win, i am sure of it. And if we do not win, it will be only forbidden to sell and use bots in Germany. But i am sure that the higher courts will decide in our favor.
    2. longrod

      longrod New Member

      Oct 7, 2010
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      I'm so annoyed I want to throw my PC out the window but, its nice to say the mods/devs keeping everyone updated on whats going on. Thanks for that.
    3. Makkli

      Makkli New Member

      Jun 27, 2012
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      It did sound pretty defeated. But its hard to tell emotion in text especially when one is not communicating in their primary language. That being said, most people are just reading the first post and replying without looking at the rest of the (albeit annoyingly negative) 9 additional pages. If they had they would have seen that Bossland amended his post here

      Its is my personal opinion that its was a poorly worded reference to a lack of definitive ETA than a thinly veiled announcement of the company's demise. In fact, after having read all of Bossland's posts in this thread I can hear the frustration but also the commitment and the confidence to continued quality business. And I commend Bossland for having the guts to come out and take responsibility and be honest about what is so.

      If I may make a couple of suggestions... If you have limited staff, perhaps you *need* to look at a CV or two from the community. You don't know what gem of a coder might well be in the ranks of loyal customers who are already familiar with your product. I realize its kind of a catch 22 situation right now, you are crazy busy because you are spread too thin so you don't have time to review, hire, teach someone new in order to alleviate the spread. But if you stay spread too thin you will burn out.

      If making sure those coders get paid is an issue then perhaps its time to reconsider your pricing model. I'll admit I've been wickedly happy with the amount of use, fun, and quality I've gotten for my stupidly low priced lifetime 3 man license. I'd be thrilled to never have to pay another dime. But, a company needs cash flow and when its in full form HB is a very valuable product. Even that piece of crap Mimic charges $10USD a month. And people pay it. Yes, some customers will be pissed and whine and cry and quit if you go subscription but you weren't likely to get much more money out of them anyway. And if its the difference between staying in business and closing the doors either way they aren't botting anymore.

      My expertise is in customer service and technical writing. Not your highest priority right now I'm sure but if I can be of (volunteer) service, drop me a note in your "spare" time. And yes, I will send you a CV if you tell me where.
      Last edited: Oct 20, 2012
    4. Cigma

      Cigma New Member

      Oct 6, 2012
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      Honestly a lot of butt hurt is flying around this thread, not that my 2c is worth anything but here it goes. I was a long time Glider subscriber and loved every second of that bot. Since I have purchased HB I had a much similar experience to Glider and for that I believe I got my moneys worth. Everyone here is mad, sure, who wouldn't be? Have some faith that this team hasn't abandoned the project, wait it out or find another bot. Simple as that, those who actually appreciate the time these people put into this and the service they have provided will stick around. I had read a post through here saying "If the bot goes down, So long and thanks for all the fish." I can't say I agree more, It was a pleasure.

    5. sinbeast

      sinbeast Member

      Dec 22, 2011
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      People need to calm down honestly. Yes it is frustrating the bot doesn't work, of course its annoying and this is time that could be used to bot BG's, Herbs, Raids,etc but sometimes shit just happens and there is nothing people can do. Bossland has conducted himself well on this thread, im no suck up and i'll call people out as much as the next man if I think they are talking BS or being disrespectful but he isn't. He's being 100% honest, admitting the company has problems and are apologizing for those. He has given us the reasons why that is and also provided information on what they are doing to try and fix it. At this point there is nothing people can do until next week.

      I hate being patient I want to bot but im going to have to ride this out like everyone else and constantly bashing the guys who run Honorbuddy is not helping the problem. If you know seriously qualified personnel that might be able to help here then PM the staff but the defeatist attitude is not going to suddenly help fix anything. Everyone has a right to vent and express their opinion and concern but honestly just look at the impact its having.
    6. steegz

      steegz New Member

      Feb 26, 2012
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      Hey you guys deserve it and again try not to be bothered by some of the posts here, consumers can be brutal but rest assure its not personal people are just venting frustrations which of course does not help the process I just want to say thanks and keep your heads up, I've enjoyed the hard work y'all have done and I'm sure I'll continue to do so, thanks!
    7. Mythoz

      Mythoz New Member

      Oct 20, 2012
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      Letter Requesting Replacement for Defective Product - Legal Document

      [Your Name]
      [Street Address]
      [City, State ZIP Code]
      [phone number - optional]
      [email address - optional]

      May 19, 2009
      [Name of Recipient]
      [Company Name]
      [Street Address]
      [City, State ZIP Code]

      Dear [Name of Recipient]:

      I am enclosing a [Name of Product] which I purchased from you on [Date of Purchase]. A copy of the invoice and the receipt showing credit card payment are also enclosed.

      I am returning the product because [Here describe the problem, i.e., the on/off button does not light up properly]. I need this product for my business, and therefore I am requesting that you send me a replacement rather than a refund.

      I understand that because the product you sent was defective, I will not be required to pay shipping charges for the replacement.

      Since I need this item urgently, I request that you call me at the phone number indicated above if there is any problem in getting the item shipped out immediately.

      Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


      [Your Name]

      If they do not give you a refund after that...then you can sue...Boss loves getting sued.
    8. monodark

      monodark New Member

      Jun 7, 2010
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      If they do not give you a refund after that...then you can sue...Boss loves getting sued.

      That's Kinda of a dick move right there, why would you even say something like that. Smh
    9. peter0626

      peter0626 New Member

      Feb 25, 2012
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      That's bitter. You don't necessarily have to make personal remarks like that.

      I can now see that there is a slight improvement on my end. I am not getting logged out of HB this often now. Yesterday was all "Authentication Failed".
    10. longrod

      longrod New Member

      Oct 7, 2010
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      Cmon bro, I'm just as pissed as everyone else but that is screwed up. Delete this shit.
    11. Mario27

      Mario27 Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
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      ofcourse i wil be patience when this happns i play shooting games online with my aimbots.:)
    12. Mythozz

      Mythozz New Member

      Oct 20, 2012
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      I'm the one Originally posted "Letter Requesting Replacement for Defective Product - Legal Document"

      I couldn't log into my Mythoz account maybe staff got a little butt hurt..

      for all you butt hurt individuals without a sense of humor ... the point of that "Requesting Replacement for defective product" that was a funny was of saying FIX YOUR Product... and to Bossland how I said "Bossland" loves to get sued. was a ***** on how Blizz tried to sue him.. and Failed. in all honesty none of you could sue Boss over digital products defective or not.. you bought his product at your own expense and it's up to them if they wanna fix it or not... anyway thats just me, the kinda person I am, If you took offence to it, go screw thy self, cause apparently you don't have a sense of humor or the intelligence to detect one.
    13. Dustoff001

      Dustoff001 New Member

      Jun 18, 2012
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      @ Bossland I <3 you. I started with D3 bot and went To wow Had Pirox thought nothing better would happen. Glad I came to you. I love your Product by far the best. Pirox couldn't even touch it. I have been botting for almost 3 years. Through 2 Exp. Everyone else out there is Stupid. Really, So Exp. Comes out everything is gonna work perfectly like magic cake. Lets Im sorry you cant sit in front of your computer screen and be amazed that your bot plays for you. Just calm down this problem has been going on for awhile. Its just like saying if any of you have a job. Do you wanna work 9 days in a row Reguardless of money. No, I would rather be at home maybe go out and get drunk with friends. Give them that since all they do is put up with your pity bullshit. Shut up! Love you!
    14. peter0626

      peter0626 New Member

      Feb 25, 2012
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      I can understand almost all of the comical drawings that depicts the irony of today's politics and economy. But your ill attempt in humoring this situation was just bitter. If you want to be a comedian then it's your job to make sure people understands your joke. Frankly speaking, I don't think anyone will get you whatsoever and you think it is us that lacks the intelligence?
    15. greaterdeath

      greaterdeath New Member

      Apr 2, 2010
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      Certain amount of bitching is understandable, but some of you folks are just being ridiculous picking apart everything little thing that is said.

      I hope next time you're going through something difficult and the only thing you can say is I'm sorry, someone comes along and kicks you in the nuts.
    16. Mario27

      Mario27 Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
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      it seems its good again i dont have issues anymore with loggin in or auth failed
    17. timotyman

      timotyman Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      It's beyond that really, they're a company, which i love and they have been fantastic for the most part. But this is unacceptable, they realize it and so do we. This is a company, not someones personal hobby.
    18. A1l3n

      A1l3n New Member

      Apr 17, 2010
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      Some of you new people don't know what this bot was like a while back. The community was much closer before pirox shut down and we seem to have lost our way. There was not bitching and moaning ALL the time and there where bugs but nothing to the magnitude that they are right now. But I know this sounds like a stupid reason. But this bot changed my life. Before I started botting I never cared about computers or coding or anything along those lines. Now I'm going to school for C development and website design in less then 3 months. Because this bot showed me what well coded software could do. And it entreated me enough to where I wanted to learn how to make things like it and make things for it. But all that aside. Ill be here till the day they shut the doors or get shut down. And all you people hating on the buddy staff and bossland and so on. Most of you were not around when these people posted on a regular basis. They care more about this community more then anyone and buddybots are the only one's I know of that has a return policy even in place. And they wouldn't be fighting lawsuites to save to bot if it was ALL about money.

      But think what you want. This is just my story over the last.... I can't even remember how long I've been here.

      TLDR: Don't bitch if you never used the old bot.
    19. stokni

      stokni New Member

      Oct 18, 2012
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      Although i can appreciate some loyalty, I have to say: What a bunch of BS.

      Even though they know their product is faulty at this moment, they STILL sell it.

      I'll repeat this one more time, because it really shows how they 'value' their customers.

      They are knowingly selling a faulty product!

      Yes, from the looks of it HB used to be the best bot in town. Awesome work and thumbs up for that. But the fact is, you can't run a company on results achieved in the past, and if even the owners are stating not to expect and quick fix soon, it's a HUGE sign HB is dying and will be dead in the foreseeable future.

      Don't bitch the bitchers. we are living in a result oriented world and if people/companies cannot deliver they will be put out of business.

      Other alternatives are out there and are reaching the level of HB. my money is on (and in) them.
    20. Keldorn

      Keldorn New Member

      Jul 2, 2012
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      Thanks to all developers and specially to BOSSLAND for his clear statement about the HonorBuddy issues and as a nice BONUS he told us about his opinion about the court vs. Blizzard.
      I hope everyone of you understands that "just let us use the bot offline LOLOL OMG" is NOT the solution - it would rather be the beginning of the end of this bot.
      I think the payment the developers get is just a - really nice - pocket money to honor their work.

      Many people gain huge benefits from using this bot so please calm down and give the DevTeam the patience they need to solve this problems.

      Thanks for your work.
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