This version of Gatherbuddy works with WoW 3.3.5a and has the protection of Tripwire. EDIT: rare bug that affected mailing fixed in GatherbuddyGS. Thanks for the reports. Download for the standard version of Gatherbuddy. Download for the version of Gatherbuddy with Guild Vault, mailing, 2 hourly repairs and other options. Important - if you have any problem with this release: 1. Click on "Manage Attachments" as you post. 2. Attach debug.html from your Gatherbuddy folder 3. If WoW crashed, look in the Errors subfolder of your wow folder. 4. A text of last crash cause is there with the exact time of the crash. 5. Attach that text as well.
That crash log is from the first time it crashed after around 30 gathers. The second time, it didn't crash wow, it just closed the GB client.