So I'm a huge fan of this bot. I used Glider for a long time and actually played with Merc (Glider's developer) on Jaedenar for a good while, so I've seen how WoW botting has evolved. I was wondering though... is it possible to combine the Questing Bot with BG Buddy? Wouldn't it be wonderful to start one of Kick's amazingly designed questing scripts and queue for AV at the same time? As you're questing, HB pops you into an AV and then upon exiting AV the bot would then continue Kick's script? I'm not sure if that would be uber complicated from a development standpoint... but I just thought it would be really neat! -Vas
I >think< there is a build for BG + grinding mobs, but not sure. If that was the case, this shouldnt be impossible if it doesnt already exsist?
Ah, I've always wondered what "Mixed Mode" was! So I can set it to quest and BG at the same time? Beautiful!!