bought this SOR acc, and i got banned 3 days later. Then I opened a ticket. and this is their answer: "Greetings, Game Master <GMBASTARxDS> here in regards to the ticket created about your WoW account. It appears that the account registered to this email address <ACCOUNT> was previously compromised. To protect the account, it has been temporarily disabled. The account is not banned but locked because it was compromised awhile back and we stopped it by locking the game account. To have the account reactivated for use, please follow the instructions below in the order they are presented." Now I need to submit the ID Verification or contact them by phone to unlock my account. The problem is: 1. When I make this bnet acc, I choose US as registered country. I live outside US, so I dont have US State ID for ID submission. 2. My english sucks xD, I cant call them by phone. any advice? or anyone willing to help me? thanks.
They will want the original id of the person who registered the battle net account (doesn’t mater that country it is from any id will do) If you have the id just reply to the ticked including scans of the id and any other info they require. But if you don’t have the id that matches the name, birth date etc. of the person who is linked to the account Threes pretty no chance that you will able to get the account back. Never buy sor accounts or any other accounts, cause you don’t know what activities they were involved before you bought them.
Yehhh you're boned. Your only option is to attempt to call, even with your bad English or call customer support for your own country, tell them a bullshit excuse that you're the owner but filled in random information when you first made the account because you made it in an internet cafe and didn't want to enter your real details to be safe. It's a long shot, it's worked for me, but it's not at all guaranteed to work. Most likely, you're just doomed. Get your cash back from the seller or ask for a replacement.