For anyone who needs some help in this Act 2, I've reprogrammed how it starts so Leia and her mom join the fight. Just replace the XML file with this one. No idea why, but TP to town wouldn't work when this starts, so you just quickly walk into town and then start the adventure. Enjoy.
This also happened to me. I FIXED it by reinstalling demonbuddy, getting all new addons and profiles and putting them all in a NEW FRESH Demonbuddy folder. Once I installed fresh versions of everything and entered my key, it worked great. I know it's a pain, but it's worth it.
I don't know if the conflict with RadsAtom/Radsprofile in the same DB folders still exists, but just in case, I have a separate DB installation/folder for using RadsAtom. I recommend doing that if you use the old Rads for different profiles; keep them completely separate.
These don't work for anyone. It's an rushed release for attention by Radonic. It's a copy paste of code from ACT1/ACT2 Champion packs with an extra line of has 5 stacks? if yes tp to town and go to oasis. Yet ever aspect of it is as broken as their act 2 runs have always been. 11 versions of act 2 and all 11 are unafkable if even for 20 minutes.
Got me guys, it runs fine for me. I've gotten 7 or 8 keys from it and built my first Hellfire ring with it. If it didn't work, I wouldn't have posted it If you have something better, please share.
works until if got 5 stacks, then it just opens a new game. in act 1 tping to oasis works fine so i cant understand what goes wrong here.
Yeah, will be reverting back to a force teleport as the RadsAtom tag is a bit buggy. Will have new profiles posted shortly with some added bonus. I've been updating my A1-3 that has the fix already in place with some extra goodies, I recommend you check that out as I've been more attentive to that at the moment:
The problem is the Act 2 profile does not detect that the keywarden was found and that have killed him and restart the whole profile , i've seen the codes, the detecting keywarden is not there.
lol, the ONLY thing I changed was the radius limit of keywardens. changed ONE number from 150 to 25. That's it. If you're running from legends, something else it at work, not my modified trinity file. I've picked up plenty of legends with my file.
sorry magi, not a clue what the problem is. i changed it back to old one and its still happening, he picks up some and runs past others:S only happened today. bet i have missed loads
because of my character not looting, i did a fresh reinstall. and got the character stuck in town bug again, i dont know how i fixed it last time , but i restored my older DB and it works fine again:S. did anyone ever find out what the reason was for the character just standing in town all day?
Quite strange. I've made at least 12-15 infernal machines from running this profile. As far as I know, Trinity V1.6.3.4+ is picking up keys fine (at least for me, never missed one that I know of). With the amount of games played at my MP level and the number of keys I've received, it seems about right. I'm going to try disabling RadsAtom and borrow a snippet of NV5 warp code from Tinnvec's A1-3 profile to see if dropping RadsAtom fixing some issues. I know their latest has a few bugs that causes some crashes and bugs etc. Ill report back if I have any luck.
A have made abbout +20 runs on MP1 and still didnt found anything ... - is it normal? Plugins: - GilesTrinity - RadsAtom (Death Handling - Next Profile"10" - Leave"0=) - RadsProfileManager beta have a 10% chance of getting it. I've had things take 5-6x to drop on MP5 with a 50/50 chance....I fought 10 ubers at MP4-5 with only 1 organ drop. I normally run my bot at MP4 now after the nerf and it generally will get a key 1/3 of runs.