Any reason the bot would glitch as in freeze up continue freeze up continue, etc especially when it enters combat, it's just not smooth anymore. I already increased the priority on it. Any suggestions anyone. This is a fairly new problem I've not encountered before.
Please try using this routine. Singular is all kinds of screwed up for warlocks. Put both of the files in that thread in the warlock folder of singular. \Routines\Singular\ClassSpecific\Warlock
Yea it's still freezing up, I seen someone else on this forum with the same problem, not sure if he got it resolved but this happens pretty much with any class I use. It enters combat pauses for a second then continuing and repeating itself. When MOP first started it was very smooth for me something changed I've only updated the versions. I don't use plug-ins and I'm pretty adept at looking at logs and searching for the errors, using a deductive method of eliminating and trying new cc's to see if that is the problem. I seen a previous thread about the same thing but he said he resolved it by increasing the priority in the processes using a .bat file. I did the same but it didn't work for me. Anymore ideas are appreciated.
Thanks Tony and bambam for your time. Yes I tried that first at trying to resolve it however it's still freezing up. I have it set to high at the moment.