Hello I am trying to use BGBUDDY and KICKS leveling questing profiles. they have been working for the last 2 days. I downlaoded the new HB and now after it loads profile the honorbuddy window just turns grey where the writing usually is. WHat do i do?
Clear your logs from... Unless you have no problem finding the correct log Code: C:\Honorbuddy\Logs Restart Honorbuddy and start the profile as you normally would where it encounters the error then post that log or copypasta the text to pastebin.
[04:16:23.994 N] Changing current profile to Alterac Valley [04:16:24.018 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped [04:16:24.040 D] System.ApplicationException: Cannot run Tick before running Start first! at Styx.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context) at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.() [04:16:24.041 D] Cleared POI - Reason Exception in Root.Tick() [04:16:24.041 D] Cleared POI took this from the end of the notepad file
I'm having same problems, bot just not doing shit.... I'm not adding a log, because there's no point.
Meh....it is not our fault. Seems like it is actually the last update. Have been using it fine the past couple of weeks, then I got this update and nothing works. Guess ill have to wait for a fix.
Yeah I'm trying to run BGBuddy and it just won't queue... This keeps getting repeated in my log. [06:32:23.393 D] System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Boolean' to type 'Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWUnit'. at Singular.ClassSpecific.Paladin.Holy.<CreatePaladinHealBehavior>b__20(Object ret) in c:\Users\Matt\Desktop\HB\Routines\Singular\ClassSpecific\Paladin\Holy.cs:line 152 at Singular.Helpers.Spell.<>c__DisplayClass1a.<Cast>b__18(Object ret) in c:\Users\Matt\Desktop\HB\Routines\Singular\Helpers\Spell.cs:line 287
it looks to be your combat routine, ether get a new one like CLU for example, or try changing your spec. http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...010-clu-codified-likeness-utility-pt-2-a.html