Ok as i was searching the forum, i saw that Cowstats was really popular by the community, but wasnt up to date, and the developer seemed a bit inactive. For this reason i decided to try update it to the latest version of HB, and so i did. I test it for 3 hours with no problems. Please report back if you find any problems. All credits goes to the real creator of CowStats. Codex
got it to connect and everything, but after a few mins HB would crash. turned this off and it didn't crash again. Not sure what casued it.
YYYESSSS THANK YOU!!!! I really appreciate it. Edit: it wont let me start the bot without it getting errors.
ok guys i found a way to fix it. when you open it, make your wow.exe a big window so everything can be read with ease, and keep it on TOP! this will fix everything and you can monitor your bot from other pc's but you cant do anything on your pc while have cowstats turned on
ok open bot, click start, and right after make wow.exe cover all your screen, and dont open any other window over it.. this should make it work because i have it working for 9 hours straight and nothing happened. if crash occurs put log pls
My error: Could not get it to recompile. Could not construct instance of CowStats! Exception was thrown. Exception: Could not find a part of the path 'E:\Stuff\Applications\Bots\HB\Profiles\Plugins\CowStats\config.txt'.