It's my first week of botting and i'm levelling my warrior from 71-90 and i have been disconnected form wow now 3 times and it come sup with a red wrror message that contains the word "hax" i'm really worried, i'll try get the exact message for you guys if it happens again.. has this happened to anyone before and is it (obviously) related to botting? worried as! any help much appreciated!
Its not necessarily out of date addons. Hax.lua is part of HB functionality. You may occasionally see hax.lua errors when something goes wrong or doesn't peacefully coexist with another addon, just like you may see lua errors from any other addon for the same reasons. However, only YOU see those errors. They could have called the file I_AM_A_BIG_FAT_BOTTER.lua. It would matter. Just don't ever do that submit to Blizz thing from a hard WoW crash. God only knows what all is in that attached data.