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  • [Act 2][All Difficulties] CIGGARC - Q3.2 City of Blood - Lair of the Witch farming

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Farix, Sep 17, 2012.

    1. Farix

      Farix Member

      Jan 26, 2012
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      Hello Community,

      As promised I have updated my old City of Blood profile to be up-to-date with current DB build #222 and error free. This is firstly a leveling profile and can also be used to farm for low level, mid-level and 50-60 gear.

      What does this profile do?:​

      • Checks to make sure that 'Maghda Starter Profile.xml' is started by leaving game if the 'Maghda Kill Profile' is loaded over the other two profiles.
      • Starts at Khasim Outpost.
      • Clears around the random event/resplendent chest spawn in center of Stinging Winds.
      • Clears The Road to Alcarnus monsters up to the Lair of the Witch.
      • Kills Maghda, then leaves during cutscene (once player is in town) to start the run again.
      • Normal, Nightmare, Hell and Inferno difficulties supported.

      What is currenty disabled or unavailable?:​

      • Due to it being cheap to buy 1 million gold ($1.50ish USD) if you cannot afford reasonably priced leveling weapons/armor, I did not die often enough to add Death Handling yet, so if you die mid-run (after stinging winds) you have a very long run back to where you died. However, I do intend to add some form of Death Handling in the very near future. (I am aware that if you die it's slower to leave Khasim, Death handling should be added within the next two days).
      • The Alcarnus; Sandy; and Town Cellars code are in the profiles but are disabled to prevent profile stability issues. Until I find a fix, these will be disabled by default and I will be unable to support this feature of the profile right now.
      • Does not currently skip the last cutscene after killing Maghda, it currently just leaves the game once it's in town regardless of cutscene playing or not. This could produce lag on older or slower machines until I find a fix.
      • The Resplendent chest in the Stinging Winds is currently not something that is looted by the bot. This could be a quick change to the breakable/lootable radius in Giles Trinity World Object Handler tab of its configuration window. And ensuring that 'Ignore non-blocking objects' is unchecked as well, it can be found on the same tab.

      What's coming?:​
      ***I will be adding another profile or two so that this can go from Act 2 Quest 1 -> Beginning to Kill Maghda, for more experience. So keep checking back for the next version of this which will be posted on this thread.***


      I have set all of the profiles included in this archive to be 'Read-Only'. This is to prevent non-advanced users from changing code and potentially causing profile stability errors. If you alter the profile in any way, please be aware that I will be unable to provide support for those changes unless they are possible quality-of-life enhancements, in which case I'd like to be contacted via #CIGGARC @ quakenet IRC.

      I also would appreciate it if you could keep replies to this thread to constructive criticism (NOT trolling, flaming, etc.) and if you are having a profile malfunction, do not post things similar to 'gets stuck! Help!". You need to provide 'Diagnostic' logs courtesy of the Demonbuddy status window that has been uploaded to Pastie.org and then linked to me. You should also include a .JPEG image of where your character got stuck at via World Map (the huge overlay) and a brief description of what was happening when you encountered this error. This is to promote fast, courteous support and to prevent people posting questions without looking up the answers for themselves first.

      And last but not least, if you are using any plug-ins not listed here, please see the respective plug-in creator for assistance or the DB support team.

      Below is a copy of the READ ME:​
      First off, I would like to say thank you for using my profile, and I hope you enjoy the benefits it will bring to you.
      To run this properly and so that it will work like it does for me, I will list the steps required below. Please do not ask for support or anything listed below, unless you have logs of what has happened while you were botting (This can be retrieved from the log window built-in with Demonbuddy) and copied to Pastie.org AS WELL as screenshots of where you are on the world map in .JPEG format. 
      - Demonbuddy needs to be similar to a fresh install, if you are having issues absolutely try the profile with a FRESH INSTALL (basically deleting or unzipping a zipped DB to a new folder then unzipping and re-configuring stuff).
      - You should always run the Starter profiles while not in a game (You should be able to see the 'Auction House' button with your character when you start the profile.
      - Ensure that you are running the proper quest and sub-quest.
      - Start the bot after making sure you have an up-to-date AND enabled Radonic's Profile Manager and Giles Trinity (Radonic's required, Giles is not - but it's very good and was made using Giles Trinity so it is highly recommended)
      - The profiles are also '[B]Read-Only[/B]' to prevent changes that could cause errors or break the profile with it's current release.
      - If you edit or change the code in anyway and are getting errors, I will not be able to support you as changing it from Read-Only to not Read-Only you agree to being an advanced user. If you have suggestions for improvements, please post them in this forum.
      Act 1:
      No current projects for Act 1. May do a starter bot profile (Create a character, start the bot from the Menu screen then get to level 12 to go to Act 2 for leveling)
      Act 2:
      *NOTE: The below profile was made in Normal difficulty, if NM, Hell or Inferno difficulties do not work properly please let me know*
      Stinging Winds, Road to Alcarnus, Lair of the Witch [Maghda Kill] requires:
      City of Blood -> Lair of the Witch; This is Quest 3 Sub-Quest 2 (3.2).
      Act 3:
      Current project is to improve upon current Ciggarc release profiles *Note: This has been put on hold to make some quality leveling profiles for the banned and the casual alike*.
      Act 4:
      No projects slated, Loot tables just as good as Act 3 and mobs hit way too hard.
      I have every intention of releasing a profile that will farm 5 NV buffs from some elites in Act 1 then set up the portal and clear Whimsyshire once random dungeons are supported.
      I sincerely wish to thank the entire Bossland GmbH team, Developers, Moderators (Hawker, Tony, CodenameG, etc) for their excellent software and their continued support to me and the community. I would also like to thank Radonic, Gardettos, and the rest of the CIGGARC team for allowing me to participate in their community project and their support with plugins and profile making in general.
      Lastly,  I would also like to thank Giles for making an excellent plug-in and keeping regular, proper support available for it.
      Profile Information:​

      Plug-ins: (This can be done by clicking on the URL listed as the plug-in name.)

      For those who use this profile collection and enjoy its benefits, please show your support by clicking the following button to [​IMG]. Alternatively, you can also donate to the CIGGARC group as a whole by clicking here.

      Results so far:
      Wizard Level 12-20 3.5 hours. (Died a lot, had to spend ~60,000g to get decent gear (went for sockets).
      Barbarian Level 19-26 from 7 am-sometime around 1 pm CST.

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Oct 4, 2012
    2. diablofan888

      diablofan888 New Member

      Sep 22, 2012
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      Is radsatom supported for this? Or do i need to run rads profile manager instead?
    3. Farix

      Farix Member

      Jan 26, 2012
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      It should still run with either plugin. The only addition to radsatom is that there can also be an exitgame="true" tag, and I originally designed it to not need that. If you run it and you find it doesn't work, let me know and I'll update it ASAP.
    4. diablofan888

      diablofan888 New Member

      Sep 22, 2012
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      Thanks for the reply. I'll run it in the morning when I get home from work and let you know.
    5. Farix

      Farix Member

      Jan 26, 2012
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      Updated and fixed to run with DB versions 246 and later.

      With RadsAtoms latest version to date (not really sure which version its at now lol)
    6. meltdown

      meltdown New Member

      Jan 8, 2012
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      This profile seems to work really well apart from it doesn't seem to kill the bosses adds while she's immune xD
    7. rytmy

      rytmy New Member

      Jan 12, 2012
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      how to DB switch profil ??? or manualy switch ??


    8. Rikter

      Rikter New Member

      Oct 20, 2012
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      2nd this. Barb only manages to kill her minions when he whirwinds against her and catches them by accident.
    9. thelol

      thelol New Member

      Oct 25, 2012
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      Same with DH! They got killed only when get hit by accident.
    10. hairymexican

      hairymexican New Member

      Oct 14, 2012
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      Could someone please fix this????

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