hi as the title says.. im very skeptical about this bot due to its huge amount of bans. but im comming over from omegabot beacuase its dead. i was just wondering if anyone had vent and would like to walk me through the download process and how too set the bot up for questing/gathering the safest way. i know theres always gunna be a risk but using certian things can cause more risk so id love for some1 too take some time and talk it out with me it would be greatly appericated thx
theres plenty of guides on the forum: http://www.buddyforum.de/forumdisplay.php?31-Gatherbuddy-Guides http://www.buddyforum.de/forumdisplay.php?33-Honorbuddy-Guides
i didnt say that butane. i said ive come from Omegabot where there were like only 3 reported bans but they were using different bots at the same time.
Because it was such a small community, the more people you have, the more bans the community has. Plain and simple.
There is no key, to use the bot, open it up and type in your account name and password you used to buy the product.
ok just bought it using money bookers. i download hb 1.95 and i type in tysms1651 password:XXXXXX and it said auth bad
if you took two seconds to read the forum you'd figure it out its all there under Gatherbuddy & Honorbuddy Downloads