Is there a bot or profile that can allow me to gain more then 50 points everytime i win a BG..? please help thanks
You would have to que arena or rbgs to get more than 50 pts a win, which has nothing to do with the bot.
There is no option for me to que arena within the bot if i que manually for arena then run the bot will it pick up and do it for me?
This made me laugh. No seriously though... You get 100 conquest points per first win of each day. Every random/CTA (call to arms) BG win after that is 50 conquest points. You can't bot arena. For Arena you have to be on a team and you and someone else have to q. RBG you need to be in a group of 10 total including yourself to q. Not to mention as previously stated by someone else its competitive. You don't get conquest points for losses clearly and fighting ranked teams with bots would be gg. Short answer for your question is no. There is no other way.