Yer even though he has provided a working CC for free, with a donating version which has additional features. GG, jog your ungreatful waste of space. Don't like it make your own CC...
I am very grateful, i never claimed i wasnt? i have bought the Special edition i was just trying to clarify some english for Tuan. But thanks for jumping on the c*** train
I like the look of the new GUI for mistweaver, should help with picking and choosing what I want it to use.
This CC is godly. Will donate in a couple days if it stays this godly. Sped up my farming, made me go from 1 food a pull, to 0 food in over an hour.
As a full blooded American, an English Major, and overall cool guy - I can say - without a doubt - they are gaining access to the SE for their kind donation. First off, there is a free version. Secondly, there are ways to obtain the SE - legitly - without donating. Thanks for donating!
Everyone please remember, that while it may seem all the work is going in on the SE version, it really is. Reason: The Special Edition is what is called an SVN. It is version controlling system. When we make changes, we upload them to the SVN for testing, etc. Sometimes the SVN gets updates that crash the Routine or screws something up bad. This ~has~ occurred. While we try to fix these issues asap (and typically do without the users noticing), they still occur. Now - as far as features of the SE and Public version. There are certain features that will always be for SE and not public - the majority of the fixes and changes we are putting in - will be public. It just takes time to get them tested properly, and moved over.
Newest version (SE SVN only) should fix arena and rated battleground problem where you play vs your own faction players... please update. Report me if something go wrong. I didn't step into arena last 3 week because this bloody CR Thank guys
Is it possible to add it to the Paladin CC, too? I saw in the diff it's only one line in the helpers.* file? Thanks!
i know ive been a beta tester and donater for tuanha on holy paladin i was talking to him that he didnt saw the options
I wish i had the money to donate. Singular CC for monks is trash and I am farming BGs but all it wants to do is stand there. I know this CC works really well but agian no money means no updated version.
Josh, you mentioned you tweaked the routine for certain fights. Is there a chance you give SS's of your routines for raid fights?
I would like it if the char used grapple weapon as a brewmaster, also I can see some improvements tanking wise.