Aftr i log into HB, and i let it initialize and what not it gets to the stage where i can select which bot i want to use and then click start... well i click on "BGBuddy" and click start and get this View attachment 9384 2012-10-29 18.39.txt
Delete everything in your hosts file that pertains to buddyauth. And make sure to add exceptions to all of your firewalls/anti virus for honorbuddy. It is having trouble connecting to the auth server.
this is a fresh install of HB, if that helps in any way.. only plug ins im using is PVP Suit.. And i alrdy have them open/accepted. I recently changed my HB password through buddyauth if that means anything? i have no clue what is going on..
The bot is not able to connect to one of the auth servers. Code: [22:57:27.988 D] Exception when attempting to download Azeroth_30_48: System.TimeoutException: This request operation sent to net.tcp:// did not receive a reply within the configured timeout (00:00:30). The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout. This may be because the service is still processing the operation or because the service was unable to send a reply message. Please consider increasing the operation timeout (by casting the channel/***** to IContextChannel and setting the OperationTimeout property) and ensure that the service is able to connect to the client. So something is causing it to fail. go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc There is a file called hosts. Delete it and try the bot again.
add an exception on your firewall and your antivirus for Hb and also make sure port 5031 is open (router)