And yes Magi after all these efforts i think u come to an end.Bot running almost 2 hours and goes just stucks ,tp after kill warden all going smooth and i hope it keeps that way....
Is there a way to only have it do one Act? I tried starting the bot on act2_start but when it was done it went back to randomizing it. I seem to have a bizarre lacking of Act 2 keys, and this profile works much more efficiently than your Act 2 Keywarden (standalone) one.
Magi m8 i found a small issue.i think u forget again to fix death handling at leoriks manor.when he dies outside bot keep stuck inside the door again...
Which XML do you start? Start here or each individual act. Char just stands in act 1. Fresh install of db no rads just Giles
If you download 3.1, the A1-A3_START_HERE.xml should work, or you can choose to load an individual act start file. The fix is still in there, I will go out and kill myself to make sure again (courtyard death I am assuming) Yeah I need to re-upload the individual Acts again, it leaves the game but after the first run, it just restarts the last profile run (typically the keywarden). I'll fix those in a moment after I check Act 1...I'll fix that lame stuck point too in the courtyard.
Well...this is quite strange. It doesn't want to reload the profile when you die. It simply starts at Courtyard Map points which gets it permastuck. I even put a test timer script in at the very beginning. Never fired. So, I put a little hack in which appears to make it work again. No clue why it doesn't want to start the profile from the beginning. Revised files coming shortly.
1.3.2 uploaded. Fixed the stuck point in A1 courtyard both on death and in that one spot with the pic taken a few posts above. I added an extra MoveTo point so that should fix that annoying stuck point....updating individual Acts now...
Hey everyone, noticed an issue with RadsAtom being disabled. Profiles no longer reset themselves after death. DB picks up where you left off in the XML document. For the most part, you are fine because it works well with the death handling inside the profile. However, Act 3 Stonefort has an area where if you die in, it will end up getting you stuck. I've attached a fix for that. More importantly however, is if you die to a keywarden, it will think you killed it on respawn. Since the profile kicks in at the point your fighting keywarden when you respawn, you will warp out as if you had killed him (because he is now out of range) and the game will restart. This is also what caused the Leoric death spawn stuck if you died in the courtyard. Glad I know why that persisted after I had thought I had fixed it (back when we were using RadsAtom) Trinity to the rescue. Paste this into all profiles (I will post a new version tomorrow). Code: <TrinityMaxDeaths questId="1" max="15" /> If you die more than 15x per profile...change the max value (and maybe quit playing lol) This tag FORCES a profile restart which is what we want every time you die. The death handling inside the profile will make sure your character continues from the spawn point.
FYI guys...seems to be wave of bans going on...I'm giving the bot a break...might level up a Barb for a bit.
bot no do like old times ?tp at abse at deadth and do all run again?Or this happens only in leorik yard?
no no, this death fix I put in addresses an issue with the removal of RadsAtom. If you die, it will pick up at your checkpoint and continue. It will never warp to town and start over. This was more of a fix to address death at keywarden, and not going back to kill him. That's all.
i test this 1.3.3 files at old 1.3 act1-3 profile.i die at leorik yard and at spawn bot tp at base and start over.i also die at the bridge after manor and still do the same.