For those who know about this, i would love if some can PM me or send me a profile for the silvery carp farm. No movement, 3-5 min loot timer on what not and if possible vendor next to it on travellers tundra. I would make this one, but its not workin out for me atm. I would really appreciate this. Thanks
I don?t understand it in English what you are lookign for, but perhabs PB is working for somethinfg with timer?!
tomorrow are holiday when i have time after work i will create one for you. must finish my dark soil profile first. should the bot grind in this area and stay at the same coords? i can create one with hotspots he will grind all mobs in this area not just in your range. you need? - grind fishs - vendor for repair - vendor for sell - sell all white, green, blue ? - sell epics not ? i recommended the addon AutoLootBOP, to be sure no shard was missing. or what the case of this? you whould farm skyshards, correct? can i set vendor at krasang wilds? because phasing issues in vale of blossoms i whould prefer vendor in krasang, otherwise i have a lot of support, when users cant see the vendors ( 50/50 ). regards, guest123
Hey mate, thanks for your response! What i would love to have is just sit at one hotspot and just tag mobs around me (fishes) just tag and go on the next fish,etc etc. Vendor can be on a travellers tundra mount or shrine of two moons, doesnt really matter. Sell gray/green. Keep Blue and white. Its Shard / mote farm. I have a perfect hotspot for you that i will PM to u Cheers
It doesn't matter anymore, they hotfixed the buff overnight, once you leave the general quest marked area the buff is removed from you, sorry guys!
Wrong, it's not hotfixed. Just kill another mob and you regain the buff. Please make this profile since it's not fixed guys!
It is fixed, try leaving the actual area and killing the fish, you won't keep your buff, and if you do then it's not hotfixed on your server yet, but it is on Magtheridon as of this morning. Killing mogu with the buff nets you nothing.
I've tried, it's not about not getting the buff, it's about retaining it when you leave to go to the lake with the silvery carp, I apologize if it still works but it no longer functions on Magtheridon-US, so it will most likely be fixed everywhere else soon.