Hi! Am leveling a horde monk with Kick's 1-80 profile (Kick's Mega Profile Packs 1-90). Since level 40, he often gets blocked in random parts of the map, even when there's nothing near, like snow planes in winterspring. In fact, the char seems stuck at one point. He tries to move forward but keeps getting dragged backward like when lagging. If I stop honorbuddy and try to destuck it manually, i can't move or roll and i'm getting dragged backward like the bot is. To fix that bug, I found that dcing and restarting HB is fine. Do you know where it could come from? Will upload log next time it happens! Thanks in advance
Stuck OK, here is the attachement, I am Having the same problem, I have had this problem with Kicks profiles and with Gidwin Grinds profile, I have them around 4 or 5 times a day and it is a bit annoying as I have to restart HB and sometimes when i restart it the bot wants to start the zone all over and I have to edit the Profile to start from the last quest I had. PS. I Managed to get rid of it once by charging a MOB with my warrior, but some times it just tells me im facing the wrong direction and I cannot charge a MOB to get out of it. Thanks